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发布时间:2018-05-07 21:21

  本文选题:家园互动 + 手机APP ; 参考:《安庆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This thesis focuses on the application of mobile phone APP in home interaction. This paper first introduces the reason of selecting the topic, the necessity of the interaction between home and country, the concept effect of "Internet" and the requirements of the new "kindergarten work rules", and makes a deep research on the theoretical and practical significance of the interaction. In this paper, based on the theory of social interaction, human development ecology and network communication, the author summarizes the theory and practice of home interaction at home and abroad, and puts forward specific research plans. This paper chooses a kindergarten in Huainan city as a case study and investigates the application of interactive APP in a kindergarten in Huainan city by questionnaire and interview. Before the investigation, the researchers analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of traditional home interaction and traditional Internet home interaction, and found that the home interaction based on mobile phone APP not only has the advantages of traditional Internet home interaction. And it breaks the limits of time and space. In the survey, the researchers found the following problems: from the perspective of the function of the interactive APP, the most used functions are mainly in attendance, parent-child circle, class group. Attendance utilization rate was the highest, followed by parent-child circle and class group, while other function utilization rate was lower. There are also announcements, recipes, teacher growth and other functions of the usage rate of 0. Therefore, parents and teachers in the use of the problem of one-sidedness of the app function has not reached the optimal effect. From the main body of home interaction, its main forms can be divided into teachers and parents, parents and parents. In general, the total number of parents releasing messages is more than that of teachers, the total number of replies is more than that of teachers, and teachers are not active enough to respond to messages. In addition, in many classes there are usually only a few active parents, some classes with the passage of time, the level of activity slowly decreased. Therefore, the interactive subject has negative polarity. From the point of view of the interactive content of home, when parents and teachers have different opinions, most people will choose not to communicate and communicate. Especially in an open environment like the Internet, teachers and parents often choose to be silent when dealing with sensitive topics. Parents, in particular, tend to be silent and evasive in the face of such topics. In the management of APP, the director of the garden is busy in peacetime, and has less release of management information, so there is arbitrariness. According to the survey, the main factors that influence the interaction of mobile phone APP are teachers, parents, kindergarten and culture. In view of the above problems, the researcher suggests that teachers should pay attention to arousing parents' interest and making rational use of it, at the same time, they should communicate with parents in various ways, and parents should change their concepts, change their roles and actively provide effective information. The kindergarten should give full play to the role of managers, increase publicity, establish incentive mechanisms, and promote home cooperation. Due to the rapid development of information technology, based on the above investigation, the researchers also look forward to the application of mobile phone APP in home interaction under the background of "Internet". With the progress of information technology, app should be further upgraded to promote the establishment of a three-dimensional interactive platform for families, communities and kindergartens, and the sharing of resources is more specialized. Under the influence of the concept of "Internet", the rational allocation of resources should be optimized. In order to reflect the equity of education, the real realization of the information of preschool education.


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