[Abstract]:Early childhood education is the starting education of life, and early childhood physical education is the foundation of early childhood education. Therefore, it has become an important subject for sports researchers to promote the healthy growth of children, improve the effectiveness of children's physical education, and promote the smooth development of hidden education in children's sports activities. This paper adopts the methods of literature, expert interview, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, comparative analysis and logic analysis. First of all, on the basis of focusing on the theory of infant sports activities under recessive education, a random sampling survey of 48 kindergartens in Jinzhou was carried out by questionnaire, and the development of implicit education in Jinzhou preschool sports activities was deeply analyzed. Secondly, using SPSS statistics to carry out multiple comparative (LSD) analysis on the development of recessive education. The study found that there are many problems in Jinzhou infant sports recessive education: insufficient understanding of implicit education concept, insufficient utilization of external resources, lack of related documents of organization and management, lack of professionalism of teachers, and neglect of the introduction of implicit education. The family support strength is not big, the safeguard system is not perfect and so on. Then, through principal component analysis, seven kinds of factors influencing the implicit education of children's physical education are obtained, and the root causes of the problems are excavated. Finally, from raising awareness, making full use of external educational resources, optimizing organization and management mode, training professional kindergarten teachers' team, introducing recessive education methods, constructing a new path of comprehensive recessive education. Improve the education security system several aspects put forward the operational countermeasures. The purpose of this study is to enrich the theory of infant physical education and promote the rapid development of infant physical education.
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