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发布时间:2018-10-12 16:47
[Abstract]:Under the background of the reform of international science education, the scientific quality of teachers has gradually attracted the attention of researchers. In the field of preschool education, the concept of scientific education of preschool teachers, as an important part of teachers' scientific quality, not only affects the behavior of preschool teachers' scientific education, but also affects the improvement of children's scientific quality and the quality of kindergarten scientific education. At present, some achievements have been made in the study of the concept of preschool teachers' education, but the research on the present situation and the influencing factors of the concept of scientific education of preschool teachers is relatively lacking. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to investigate the present situation of the concept of science education of preschool teachers, and to analyze its characteristics and influencing factors on the basis of which, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to improve the concept of science education of early childhood teachers. On the basis of existing research, this study comprehensively uses literature method, questionnaire method, interview method and observation method to investigate the present situation of the concept of science education of preschool teachers, and analyze its characteristics and influencing factors. Furthermore, the author puts forward some thoughts on how to improve the concept of science education of preschool teachers. This research is divided into the following six parts: the first part, the question raised. On the basis of the existing research, the research content is established, the research problems are further clarified, and the research framework is designed. The second part, research ideas and methods. In this study, clear research ideas, and on the basis of the use of specific research methods. The third part, the present situation of the concept of science education of preschool teachers. By means of questionnaire, interview and observation, the present situation of preschool teachers' concept of scientific education is comprehensively investigated and analyzed from five dimensions: goal view, content view, process view, evaluation view and resource view. The fourth part, the characteristics of the concept of science education for preschool teachers. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the present situation, this paper discusses its characteristics, which include: focusing on the cultivation of children's scientific quality, paying attention to the connection between scientific education and children's actual life, lacking systematic understanding of scientific education; True internalization has not yet been achieved. The fifth part, the influence factor of the preschool teacher's scientific education idea. By means of questionnaire and interview, the factors influencing teachers' scientific education idea were analyzed from four aspects: teachers, kindergartens, educational administrative departments and society. The sixth part, improve the concept of science education of preschool teachers. Based on theoretical thinking and empirical research, this paper puts forward the following considerations: enriching teachers' knowledge and experience in science education; improving teachers' ability of scientific reflection and inquiry; increasing the cultural and institutional support of the institute; strengthening the teaching and research and training of science education; The whole society should pay more attention to science education.


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