[Abstract]:The guiding Program for Kindergarten Education (trial) points out that reading should be included in language education: "to cultivate children's interest in simple marks and text symbols that are common in life, and to use books, paintings and other means to arouse children's interest in books," Interest in reading and writing and developing skills in pre-reading and pre-writing. " But at present, taking the investigation of Nanchong kindergarten as an example, most kindergartens do not fully realize the importance of picture book teaching in most kindergartens, and the teachers' picture book teaching level and ideas do not keep up with the ideological trend and a series of problems. The author hopes that the investigation and research of picture book teaching in Nanchong City will promote the teaching level of picture book in Nanchong City and benefit the children's happy experience in picture book teaching activities.
【作者单位】: 西华师范大学学前与初等教育学院
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