[Abstract]:In this study, a total of 85 kindergartens representing different levels of economic development in Hunan Province were investigated by means of questionnaire survey and interview. At the same time, the relevant statistical data were combined with the survey. It is found that pre-school education in Hunan Province has developed rapidly in the past five years, and has established a preschool education system that basically meets the needs of urban and rural areas. The number of kindergartens has increased rapidly, with the average rate of 3-6-year-old children entering the school in 2009 reaching 66.3% on average. 30 percentage points higher than five years ago; The construction of demonstration garden and central garden has made good achievements; The main body of the park is increasingly diversified, and the enthusiasm of the private capital to invest in pre-school education is high, but at the same time, it also exposes some serious problems, such as the uneven development of kindergartens and the difficulty of realizing the fairness of preschool education. The lack or lack of government management of private parks leads to the general quality of private parks, which occupies the absolute advantage in quantity. There is also a general lack of early education service institutions at the age of 0-3 years, and the government also lacks attention and attention to the early education at the age of 0-3 years. In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of preschool education in Hunan Province, the prefectural and county governments should strengthen the local pre-school education planning, strengthen the management of preschool education, and establish a strict examination and approval admission system and the quality control system of running the garden. Pay attention to the development of rural pre-school education, strive to realize the fairness of preschool education, gradually promote the construction of the early education service system of 0-3-year-old, and strive to realize the integration of 0-3-year-old early education and 3-6-year-old early childhood education in the province.
【作者单位】: 长沙师范专科学校;
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