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发布时间:2017-12-31 20:05

  本文关键词:亚洲基础设施建设投融资研究 出处:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 亚洲国家 基础设施建设 投融资

[Abstract]:With perfect infrastructure is one of the key factors of the economic growth of a country or region. Currently, the downtown pressure on the economy increase, weak infrastructure of the Asian countries have to increase investment in infrastructure construction, hoping to get the potential growth of the economy. But the infrastructure investment and financing demand is usually not a small the number of this point in developing countries is particularly evident. Many countries in the face of long-term investment in infrastructure construction and upgrading of existing bad infrastructure in the process of transformation, the problem of shortage of funds. How to deal with the changes in the world economic situation, make better use of international financial organizations and other public sector discount funds, investment and innovation mode of financing, broaden the financing channels, and then to Asia in the infrastructure construction financing in the process of obtaining more stable and sustainable source of funding, become a An important practical problem. This paper from the global infrastructure investment and financing operation to the Asian infrastructure investment and financing operation is analyzed. This paper argues that, in the quality of infrastructure than the global average of backward Asia, its infrastructure investment and financing facing huge demand. As a result of the financial markets in the region behind. Despite the huge foreign exchange reserves and domestic savings, it is difficult to this part of the funds into infrastructure construction in this area. And the international financial organizations financing to provide funds to meet the financing needs. In addition, in has begun the implementation of infrastructure projects, the use of funds is also a problem distribution no balance. Draw lessons from international experience can help Asia to find a solution to the problem of financing in regional infrastructure construction in the process of this research. The structure is as follows: the first chapter introduction elaborated the background and significance of the topic, literature review, research contents and structure of this article. The second chapter, analysis of investment and financing of infrastructure construction of infrastructure investment and financing related concepts and classification, discusses the necessity of infrastructure construction, and analysis of financing the difficulty of infrastructure investment and construction. In the third chapter, operation mode of investment and financing of the Asian infrastructure. To clarify the current Asian infrastructure construction process mainly involves the subject of investment and financing, investment and financing instruments and financing mode. In the fourth chapter, the main problems of investment and financing for the construction of infrastructure in Asia and its causes. An overview of the Asian infrastructure investment and financing based on the analysis of the construction of infrastructure investment and financing problems, including insufficient supply of funds and capital structure imbalance in two major issues, and a brief analysis of the problem The causes. The fifth chapter is the reference of international investment in infrastructure construction. According to the EU and Latin America are the implementation of the strategy in the investment and financing of infrastructure construction process, summarize the process of Asian investment and financing in infrastructure in the experience, lessons learned. The sixth chapter is to promote the financing that Asian infrastructure investment clearly. Expand the financing channels, strengthen the investment and financing supervision, pay attention to investment and financing risk evaluation can promote the Asian infrastructure investment and financing policy proposals. The last part is the conclusion, summarizes the Asian infrastructure investment and financing of the main conclusions in this paper.



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