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发布时间:2018-01-10 23:15

  本文关键词:基于生态位理论的城市土地集约利用潜力释放研究 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 生态位理论 土地集约利用 潜力释放

[Abstract]:Urban land is an important carrier for human to carry out economic, social and political activities. The rational use of urban land is closely related to the rise and fall of the region. China's urbanization rate has reached 56.1%, and it is expected that by 2020, the urbanization rate in the mainland will rise to 600.At the same time, great achievements in urbanization have also exposed extensive and inefficient use of construction land. The order of land development is chaotic and so on, the resource occupation and utilization are unreasonable, so it is necessary to release the potential of the existing urban land in order to save and cope with waste and intensive response to extensive. This study is based on niche theory. In the study of urban land intensive utilization evaluation, the optimal niche is used to explain the standard of urban land intensive use, and a niche evaluation model is established. Considering the resource possession, the realistic demand and the future planning, the potential calculation model is established. Carry on the empirical research, carried on the niche evaluation to the research area, calculate the potential. The main work and conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1) constructing the niche model of intensive utilization of urban land and introducing the niche model into the evaluation of intensive utilization of urban land. By comparing the difference between the Ai value of each evaluation factor and its best intensive level, the different restriction factors of each function area are determined. The evaluation index system of urban land intensive utilization niche is constructed, and niche zoning is obtained. Construction of urban land potential calculation model for potential release. Potential refers to the comprehensive consideration of resource possession, realistic needs and future planning under the conditions of existing technology, economy and system. By improving the degree of intensive land use, and improving the urban construction land use efficiency and economic efficiency space. Potential analysis includes the calculation of scale potential. Economic potential estimation and urban land potential zoning. (3) temporal distribution of urban land potential release, based on niche evaluation and potential measurement results. According to the niche of all kinds of functional areas, the relative potential of scale, the potential of unit land economy, and combined with social and economic development planning, urban planning, planning and other factors for comprehensive analysis. The temporal allocation of land potential release in each functional area is determined, and the urban land potential release timing allocation scheme is formulated, and the scientific land use countermeasures and suggestions are put forward at the same time.


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