本文关键词: 挂钩试点 土地整治 PPP模式 山东省济南 城乡建设用地 综合整治 济南市政府 耕地质量 资金短缺 土地复垦 出处:《中国土地》2017年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, Jinan municipal government has actively invested funds to promote urban and rural construction land increase or decrease linking pilot work, improve the quality of arable land, solve the land problem, promote industrial development. Although some achievements have been made in the comprehensive land renovation work in Jinan, there are some problems in various areas, such as the shortage of funds and the difficulty of balancing the interests of the masses. Jinan City to promote the use of PPP mode "town promotion" to carry out comprehensive land regulation. Increase or decrease linked land comprehensive regulation project faced with difficult funding difficulties. To carry out the increase or decrease linked to the work of large amounts of funds, financing difficulties. Most projects come from municipal, county and township governments
【作者单位】: 济南市土地综合整治服务中心;济南市中建城镇规划发展有限公司;
【正文快照】: 近年来,济南市政府积极投入资金,推进城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作,提高耕地质量、破解用地难题、推动产业发展。然而,济南市土地综合整治工作虽取得一些成绩,但各地区均不同程度地存在资金短缺、群众利益难以平衡等问题。为此,济南市推进探索运用PPP模式“整镇推进”开展土
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