本文选题:技术异化 切入点:数字社会 出处:《中共福建省委党校学报》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since 2012, the construction of intelligent cities based on the application of information technology has been spreading rapidly in China, which has played an economic role in expanding domestic demand, starting investment and promoting the upgrading and transformation of urban industries. Japan regards the intelligent city as a higher form based on the digital society, and the intelligent city is defined as a social project for human beings to solve the urban problems such as energy environment, healthy old-age care and industrial innovation with the help of high-tech means, and to explore the future form of the city. Emphasizing that wisdom comes from people rather than high and new technology, thus avoiding the panic of falling into technological supremacy and even technological alienation. Learning from Japan's experience, China needs to promote local governments and universities. Enterprises and local residents communicate with each other to determine the current and future problems that the city urgently needs to solve, and transcend telecommunications technology to explore the future shape of the city by means of high-tech means of various industries and enterprises. To promote the life-centered urban problem-solving intelligent city construction.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院;
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