本文选题:塔吉克斯坦 切入点:劳务移民 出处:《新疆师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:After independence, Tajikistan was unable to provide employment opportunities for its population due to the effects of civil conflict and economic recession. Since 2000, with the rise in international energy prices, Russia's economy has grown rapidly. This has provided employment opportunities for the population of Tajikistan, where the number of migrant workers is growing rapidly. According to a survey, about 20 percent of Tajik families have a member who works abroad. About 30 per cent of the working-age Tajik population is involved in labour migration. Each year, about 12 per cent of the population of Tajikistan choose to go abroad in search of work, It has been the world's largest recipient of remittances (as a percentage of GDP) since 2006. It is known as "the most dependent country in the world". The importance of economic and social development, However, there is no systematic research on labor migration and remittances from Tajikistan at present. In view of this, based on the review of domestic and foreign literature, this paper combines the previous research results. A systematic study of labor migration and remittances from Tajikistan. This paper mainly consists of six parts. The first chapter reviews the current situation of immigration and remittances research at home and abroad. The second chapter introduces the related concepts and theoretical knowledge and defines the object of this study. It provides the background analysis for the people of Tajikistan why they choose to go abroad to find a job, thus provides the inevitability for them to choose the work abroad. Chapter four analyzes the labor migration of Tajikistan, including: generalizing the characteristics of the labor migration; This paper analyzes its conditions, the reality and maneuverability of large-scale selection of labor migration, and probes into the influence of labor migration. At the end of the chapter, the author analyzes the prospect of labor migration. Chapter five analyzes the remittances in Tajikistan. It mainly consists of four sections: summarizing the current situation of remittances in Tajikistan, analyzing the positive and negative effects brought by remittances; This paper concludes that the investment environment of Tajikistan is poor, the proportion of industrial output is low, the proportion of industrial output is low, and so on. As a result of the high hidden unemployment rate of the domestic labor force, it is necessary for them to choose to go abroad to find work. The labor migrants increase employment opportunities, alleviate the domestic employment pressure, and contribute to reducing the poverty rate. Remittances to Tajikistan have become the country's largest source of foreign exchange. But in the long run, the loss of young workers is not conducive to the country's economic development. Despite the current difficulties faced by Tajikistan's labor migrants, it will not disappear in the short term. Will continue to exist for a long time, remittances can maintain the national political stability, social stability, raise the level of household consumption, reduce the poverty rate of residents, and have a positive impact on public finances. But we should not ignore its negative impact: first, As a result of the weak independence of the national economy, the economy of Tajikistan is vulnerable to the impact of the Russian economic situation; second, it causes the appreciation of the real exchange rate of the local currency, resulting in a decline in the competitiveness of commodities; Fourth, widening the gap between the rich and the poor and increasing the relative poverty rate of .4.The status quo of the country's dependence on labor migration and remittances is detrimental to the country's economic development for a long time. It is necessary to develop domestic industry and promote employment. At the same time, We should give full play to the constructive role of remittances so as to better serve economic and social development.
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