发布时间:2018-04-17 12:43
本文选题:城市 + 绿色创新效率 ; 参考:《统计与决策》2017年20期
[Abstract]:Taking 12 prefectural cities in Hubei Province as decision making units, this paper constructs a stochastic frontier model based on entropy weight method and transcendental logarithm to measure the green innovation efficiency and analyze its influencing factors.The results show that the average efficiency of urban green innovation in Hubei Province from 2007 to 2014 is 0.307, and there is still nearly 70% room for improvement.Xiangyang has obvious advantage. 2) Science and technology personnel and science and technology expenditure as innovation resource input have significant positive effect on green innovation output of Hubei province, and scientific and technological personnel have higher output elasticity;The environmental pollution index has a significant inhibitory effect on green innovation. (3) the relationship between environmental regulation intensity and green innovation efficiency is "inverted U", and the importance of reasonable environmental regulation in the Porter hypothesis has also been confirmed.The degree of openness has a negative effect on the efficiency of green innovation in Hubei Province.The improvement of education level and the optimization of industrial structure are beneficial to the improvement of green innovation efficiency in Hubei Province.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71003088) 国家社会科学基金资助项目(14BSH028) 湖北省区域创新能力监测与分析软科学基地开放基金项目(HBQY2017z09)
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