本文选题:企业社会责任 + 进化博弈 ; 参考:《财会月刊》2017年11期
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the ecological environment, food safety and other issues increasingly prominent, corporate social responsibility has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. From the perspective of government supervision and using evolutionary game theory, this paper constructs the evolutionary game model between government and enterprise under government self-supervision, and the evolutionary game model between enterprise and public when the government encourages the public to participate in supervision and reward. The two models are compared and analyzed. It is found that whether the government adopts strict supervision strategy is closely related to the revenue of the government and the probability of corporate social responsibility, and whether the government chooses to supervise and the cost of supervision when the public participate in the supervision. The reward is closely related to the probability of corporate social responsibility, and to a certain extent, public supervision can reduce the cost of government self-regulation and promote the implementation of corporate social responsibility.
【作者单位】: 重庆理工大学管理学院;
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