本文选题:城市蔓延 + 城市病 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Beijing has entered the stage of highly urbanized city. The highly crowded and expanding urban center has caused a series of urban diseases. Evacuation formation is for the future development trend of Beijing. The Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei coordinated Development Planning Program clearly puts forward the requirements for Beijing to unblock the functions of non-capital cities and reduce the proportion of population in central cities. In this context, The construction of Beijing sub-center has become a key project to comply with this trend. The deputy center of Beijing is an important measure of the strategic transformation of Beijing's space, its essence is to unblock the urban function of the central district of the city, to alleviate the urban disease in Beijing, and its goal is to establish a regional center with independent development and complete function in the periphery of Beijing. Its significance is to reshape the spatial structure of Beijing and promote the transformation of Beijing from single center to multi center. According to the experience of suburban construction in big cities in the world, the forms of evacuation in big cities can be divided into spread type and jump type, and according to the time sequence of evacuation, it can be divided into residential guidance evacuation and industry oriented evacuation. In fact, the problem of urban sprawl in Beijing is caused by the lagging of residential suburbanization, which leads to the centralization of the central city's functions and the slow resolution of the urban sprawl, which is caused by the sprawling expansion of the periphery of the city. Therefore, we should not deny the objective trend of evacuation because of the problem of urban sprawl, and the development of Beijing needs to seek a new road of evacuation. Tongzhou District has become the secondary center of Beijing because of its good location and development foundation. However, the development situation of Tongzhou District is still far from the requirements of the construction of the sub-center of the city, the industrial development of Tongzhou District is backward, and the level of economic development is low. Problems such as the imbalance of occupation and housing have caused the problem of urban sprawl. However, the existing planning scope of the new city in Tongzhou District is only 155 square kilometers of the core area of the sub-center, which is seriously behind the reality of bringing the whole area of Tongzhou District into the construction of the sub-center of the city. It is highly likely to cause disorderly development again. If we want to accomplish the task of unlocking the function of non-capital city, we must change the way of development, expand the space of urban development, bring the small town into the urban construction system, and make the small town take on the function of the city properly. Only in this way can we enhance the carrying capacity and development space of Tongzhou District as a sub-center of the city, and alleviate the urban disease of the city center and improve the development status of Beijing urban sprawl without the occurrence of urban disease in Tongzhou district. This paper focuses on the problem of how to avoid urban disease in Tongzhou district during the construction of sub-center, and how to solve the non-capital function better and alleviate the problem of urban central urban disease, and carry out an empirical analysis of Tongzhou district. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Township construction can enhance the carrying capacity of urban sub-centers, expand the space for urban development, and strengthen the ability of urban sub-centers to alleviate urban diseases. Gradually improving the present situation of Beijing's spreading expansion is an important means of urban sprawl management. The formation of regional spatial development pattern with small and medium-sized cities and towns can avoid the occurrence of urban diseases within the sub-center of the city.
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