本文选题:不动产 + 统一登记 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Unified registration of real estate is beneficial to a country to find out the family situation, to protect the security of real estate transactions, to stabilize house prices, and to assist in tax collection. Therefore, actively promoting the real estate registration will be the common goal of the competent authorities and other administrative departments. At present, there are three kinds of registration modes that are widely used in the world: right registration, deed registration and Torrance registration. The difference among them is that the right registration and Torrance registration adopt the system of registration and effective, and deed registration is the registration antagonism mode. The difference between right registration and Torrance registration is that Torrance registers will issue registration documents. By selecting several typical countries of the three major real estate registration models, using the methods of spatial analysis, historical research and cross-comparison, this paper draws several important factors that have an important impact on the real estate registration model: the influence of neighboring countries; The influence of a colonial background; the influence of a legal background. On this basis, this paper studies the historical evolution of the real estate registration system in China, and draws the following conclusions: Torrance system is the most suitable for the national conditions of our country. The development of real estate registration in China has experienced the process from unified registration to decentralized registration and then to unified registration. At present, the unified registration of real estate in our country presents some problems, such as great difference in development, unbalanced development between east and west, and great local resistance. In order to ensure the smooth progress of unified registration in the whole country, it is necessary to strengthen the effective management and supervision of these lagging areas. The construction of domestic real estate registration system needs to be strengthened from the following aspects: the first registration content needs to be enriched and improved. For example, tree registration and state-owned land ownership. Second, the registration effect and registration confrontation coexist at the present stage, which need to be determined in the legal provisions. Fourth, although the registration responsibility organization has been unified, but other management responsibilities or belong to the relevant departments. Especially, the cooperation and communication between the housing management department and the land department need to be strengthened. Fifth, the registration personnel's admission standard also needs to be clear. Sixth, the electronic register is an inevitable trend, easy to preserve, high security carrier is the development goal. Seventh, in order to protect personal privacy, the public inquiry system adopts the house or land as the retrieval object. In order to cooperate with the work of the judiciary, we can open a part of the search function. In the future, the enrichment of real estate registration content, the online registration process, the electronic registration information and certificate, and the perfection of supporting system are all the development trends that can be considered. Only through continuous optimization can we play a better role.
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