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发布时间:2018-06-24 18:57

  本文选题:产业集群 + 物流园区选址 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在推进供给侧结构性改革以降低实体经济企业成本的宏观背景下,交通部指出要成立集约高效的服务平台。物流园区是能够整合众多中小型物流生产、运输、劳动力等资源,提供规模化、专业化的管理与服务,成为中小型物流企业提高竞争力的重要方式,开创了一种发展共享经济,优化整合资源的新平台。物流园区是产业集群形成集聚经济的一种表现方式,能够有效提高区域经济发展的经济总量。区域路网关键节点的识别与分析,以其对物流园区区位成本以及贸易成本的强大影响,成为选址的考虑重点。物流园区内部的企业抓住组建联盟合作的市场战略,其目标是争取最大投入产出比,平衡利益分配,保障物流联盟长期、稳定、和谐以及高效地运行。本文以加快物流服务业迅速转型升级为契机,将协调不同产业持续发展的城市A内部选址区域为研究对象,运用产业集群理论与发展规律,实施分析区域路网与实施区域企业联盟两阶段选址方法。第一阶段分析区域路网,识别关键节点。运用Auto CAD将实际交通路网按照复杂网络理论抽象成为拓扑图,根据产业布局的影响因素,以节点为研究对象,选取物流量、加权度、介数、交通流负荷度4个属性指标,用Pajek软件完成邻接矩阵分析与计算,MATLAB软件编程自组织竞争神经网络,通过聚类分析对节点进行分类与定位,识别出关键节点。第二阶段实施区域企业联盟,运用生产函数与委托-代理理论去编写信息对称情况下利益分配函数方程,求解对比投入产出比,确定选址地点。信息对称情况下,联盟之间合作能够达到帕累托最优,优于信息不对称情况,故不考虑激励相容约束构建函数,并结合关键节点的分布与物流联盟的投入产出比,确定选址方案。用产业集群理论对识别路网关键节点、实施物流企业联盟过程指导,得出物流园区位置。从理论上阐述物流产业集群是物流企业联盟理论的延伸,奠定物流园区形成的基础性地位。从实际应用上探讨区域路网关键节点、企业利益分配机制是产业布局的重要影响因素,丰富物流园区选址的方法。
[Abstract]:Under the macro background of promoting supply-side structural reform to reduce the cost of real economy enterprises, the Ministry of Transport pointed out that an intensive and efficient service platform should be set up. Logistics park is an important way for small and medium-sized logistics enterprises to improve their competitiveness by integrating many resources such as production, transportation and labor force, providing large-scale and specialized management and service, and creating a kind of developing and sharing economy. Optimize the new platform for integrating resources. Logistics park is a form of industrial cluster forming agglomeration economy, which can effectively improve the total economic volume of regional economic development. The identification and analysis of the key nodes of the regional road network, because of its strong influence on the location cost and trade cost of the logistics park, has become the focus of the site selection. The goal of the enterprises in the logistics park is to strive for the maximum input-output ratio, to balance the distribution of benefits, and to ensure the long-term, stable, harmonious and efficient operation of the logistics alliance. With the opportunity of accelerating the rapid transformation and upgrading of the logistics service industry, this paper takes the urban A internal location area, which coordinates the sustainable development of different industries, as the research object, and applies the theory of industrial cluster and the law of development. Implementation analysis of regional road network and implementation of regional enterprise alliance two-stage site selection method. In the first stage, the regional road network is analyzed and the key nodes are identified. The actual traffic network is abstracted into a topology map according to the complex network theory by using Auto. According to the influencing factors of the industrial layout, taking the node as the research object, the paper selects the four attribute indexes of material flow, weighting degree, medium number and traffic flow load degree. Using Pajek software to complete the analysis and calculation of adjacency matrix and MATLAB software programming self-organizing competitive neural network. The nodes are classified and located by clustering analysis and the key nodes are identified. In the second stage, the regional enterprise alliance is implemented, and the production function and principal-agent theory are used to compile the benefit distribution function equation in the case of information symmetry, to solve the ratio of input and output, and to determine the location of the site. In the case of information symmetry, the cooperation among coalitions can reach Pareto optimal, which is superior to the information asymmetry. Therefore, the construction function of incentive compatibility constraints is not considered, and the distribution of key nodes is combined with the input-output ratio of the logistics alliance. Determine the site selection plan. Industrial cluster theory is used to identify the key nodes of the road network, implement the logistics enterprise alliance process guidance, and obtain the location of the logistics park. This paper theoretically expounds that logistics industry cluster is the extension of logistics enterprise alliance theory, and establishes the basic position of logistics park formation. The paper discusses the key nodes of regional road network from the practical application. The mechanism of enterprise benefit distribution is an important influence factor of industrial layout, and the method of enriching the location of logistics park is also discussed.


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