发布时间:2018-11-22 10:00
[Abstract]:Recently, Tianjia Company was awarded the Nanjing Mayor's quality Award at the Nanjing City quality work Conference. Jiang Li, chairman of the board of directors of Tianjia, spoke as the first representative of the award-winning enterprise. He said that the Nanjing Mayor's quality Award was a recognition of Tianjia's excellent performance promotion work, and of Tianjia's products and services. this
[Abstract]:Recently, Tianjia Company was awarded the Nanjing Mayor's quality Award at the Nanjing City quality work Conference. Jiang Li, chairman of the board of directors of Tianjia, spoke as the first representative of the award-winning enterprise. He said that the Nanjing Mayor's quality Award was a recognition of Tianjia's excellent performance promotion work, and of Tianjia's products and services. this
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3 记者 任,