[Abstract]:According to the role orientation, process management and guarantee supervision difference, this paper delimits different scenarios of government intervention in farmland circulation. From the perspective of farmers' livelihood capital, this paper uses two cross-section data. Double difference tendency score matching (PSM-DID) is used to evaluate the effect of farmland transfer in different scenarios. The results show that: the current government intervention in agricultural land transfer can not bring significant improvement to farmers' livelihood capital, or even have a slight negative effect; The reduction of the natural capital brought by the agricultural land transfer is offset by the increase of the public goods supply and the improvement of the social capital under the planning behavior of the government. Compared with the intermediary type of government involved in the farmland transfer, the government-led agricultural land transfer will reduce the material capital and social capital of farmers, at the same time, enhance the natural capital of farmers; The transfer of agricultural land with written contract and the contract can be modified has a significant positive effect on the protection of farmers' livelihood capital, and the transfer of agricultural land with physical rent significantly reduces the material capital of farmers. There is a significant negative effect on the accumulation of farmers' natural capital by the government intervention in farmland circulation.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学项目“政府主导下农地流转对农户福利影响及其改进研究”(编号:15YJA790068) 国家重点研发计划子课题“水土流失治理与生态产业耦合机制与协同途径”(编号:2016YFC0501707-03)的资助
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