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发布时间:2019-01-07 11:54
[Abstract]:The horizontal ecological compensation mechanism of urban agglomeration refers to the institutional arrangement of balancing and coordinating the right to development and the benefit relationship between the regions contributing to environmental benefits and the beneficiary areas, aiming at ecological construction and environmental protection in the urban agglomeration region. The main body of ecological compensation in urban agglomeration region can be divided into compensator and compensation party, mainly including government, enterprises, institutions, social organizations, community people and so on, among which the government is the key action subject of ecological compensation. The environmental governance of urban agglomeration needs to play the role of government, market and society. The operation of the horizontal ecological compensation mechanism can be divided into three ways: government compensation, market compensation and social compensation. Each of the three ways has its own advantages, which are suitable for different situations. At the same time, different compensation methods can be combined with each other. In addition, the approved ecological compensation standard is a difficult problem in ecological compensation. Only by determining a scientific and reasonable compensation standard, can the benefit relationship between the environmental benefit contribution region and the beneficiary area be balanced to the greatest extent. The approval of ecological compensation standard should not only refer to the compulsory environmental quality standard stipulated by the country and the local government, but also refer to the standard of the local intergovernmental environmental agreement, and select the appropriate method for the approval of the ecological compensation standard.
【作者单位】: 广东行政学院行政学教研部;华南师范大学政治与行政学院;


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