[Abstract]:Since 2014, the government-led PPP model has been promoted in infrastructure and public utilities in China. PPP model can effectively improve the supply efficiency of public goods and services and play an important role in the construction of infrastructure in China. However, due to the incompleteness of the contract and the long-term nature of the PPP project, it is inevitable that the re-negotiation in the process of implementation of the PPP project is inevitable, and there are many staff involved in the re-negotiation of the PPP project, and the re-negotiation problem is complex. There are also differences in social positions between the two sides of the re-negotiation, resulting in inefficiency in the re-negotiation or deviation from the original intention of the re-negotiation, to a certain extent, at the detriment of the interests of both parties or end-users, However, the research on the factors influencing the renegotiation process of PPP project is still in immature state. Therefore, this paper considers it necessary to identify the influencing factors of the PPP project renegotiation process, and verify its influence path to the renegotiation effect, so as to perfect the application of PPP model in infrastructure construction. The specific research contents include the following two points. (1) identified the influencing factors of the PPP project renegotiation process, this study selected the interview to obtain the first-hand data to carry on the research analysis, applied the root-rooted theory to the conceptualization and coding of the obtained data. Then it is concluded that the main influencing factors in the process of PPP project re-negotiation are negotiator attribute, negotiation interaction and negotiation atmosphere. At the same time, according to the actual situation of the interview, the coding results are analyzed in depth, the internal logic and the relationship between categories are analyzed, and the conceptual model of the influence mechanism of the renegotiation process of the PPP project is constructed from the bottom to the top. That is, discretion of return is derived from the subject category of negotiators' attributes, accuracy of judgment is derived from the main category of negotiation interaction, and surrender is derived from the main category of negotiation atmosphere. It is also found that trust is a mediation variable, The effectiveness of information is a judgment criterion. (2) using the structural equation model to verify the action path of each factor to the renegotiation effect, combined with the process and results of the root-taking theory analysis and the wind of the existing research and development. A scale of risk-sharing, Designed the negotiator attribute, the negotiation interaction, the negotiation atmosphere, the re-negotiation effect scale; SPSS19.0 software was used to purify the scale and exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS21.0 software was used to study the hypotheses (H1: negotiator attribute / renegotiation efficiency, H1 b: negotiator attribute / renegotiation result). H2a: negotiation interaction / renegotiation efficiency, H2b: negotiation interaction / renegotiation outcome, H3a: negotiation atmosphere / renegotiation efficiency, H3b: negotiation atmosphere / renegotiation result) for confirmatory analysis. Furthermore, it is concluded that negotiation interaction and negotiation atmosphere have a greater impact on renegotiation efficiency than negotiation interaction and negotiation atmosphere, and negotiator attributes have a greater impact on renegotiation efficiency than negotiation interaction and negotiation atmosphere. Finally, this paper summarizes the contribution, innovation and management enlightenment of the research results, as well as the implications for future research.
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