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发布时间:2019-05-26 22:45
[Abstract]:Government and social capital co-operation (hereinafter referred to as" "PPP" ") is an attempt to explore new mechanisms for public services in our country. At present, the definition of PPP mode at home and abroad is different, and the application form of PPP is also diverse, but the risk allocation and risk management of PPP are all the problems that the parties need to face together, regardless of its definition and form. With the large-scale application of PPP mode, the responsibility of PPP's financial expenditure is not allowed to be small, which includes not only the direct and explicit expenditure responsibility of the PPP project, such as the government pay and the feasibility gap subsidy, but also other recessive or financial expenditure which may expand the government's financial expenditure responsibility. The financial risk of the initiation of PPP is of particular concern. Based on the assumption of the dual-body of the government, in the PPP financial risk management, the government of different subject status has different management methods in the face of the financial risk, and the subject of this paper is the PPP financial risk management under the status of the public body of the government. The financial risk management has the elements of risk management, management and management. The government is often seen as the subject of the PPP financial risk management, but the government itself can be subdivided into the government as a public management subject and as the subject of economic management. In this paper, by combing the history of PPP development in China, it is found that whether the BOT model is the main form of the foreign concession operation in the 1980s and the 1990s, or the local government financing platform of the first ten years of the twenty-first century, more is to treat the government in the PPP as the subject of economic management. The research of the government as the subject of public administration is less, more is about the matter in the analysis of the question of the financial risk management of the PPP, more in the management means from the reduction of the fiscal deficit and the reduction of the government's debt, more is a size-size-fits-all in the management procedure, There are also many shortcomings in the management method. In the current PPP management, the result of the financial risk management mode of the head of the head and the foot and the foot of the foot makes the financial risk of the PPP turn to the hidden, turned or has, but the gourd is floating, and the situation and the task of the PPP financial risk management are still serious. In view of the lack of the current PPP financial risk management in the management subject, procedure and means, this paper, from the reality and not from the general understanding of the general function of the government, Starting with the analysis of the government's behavior rather than from the simple government and the boundary thinking of the market, the paper analyzes the history and present situation of PPP's financial risk management in China, and sorts out the contents, features and effects of PPP's financial risk management in China by 2013. Based on the analysis of the key points of financial risk management in each stage of PPP, this paper puts forward the problems of financial risk management in PPP mode in China, including the low level of PPP and the lack of binding force, and the intersection of risk management responsibility of government departments and the coexistence of conflict; The financial management mechanism needs to be further improved; the government's governance capacity needs to be further improved. Then, with reference to the advice and experience of the international organization in the PPP financial risk management, the paper puts forward four suggestions to improve the PPP financial risk management system in China: to improve the PPP law and system construction, to clarify the authority of the risk management responsibility of the government departments, and to improve the PPP financial management system; And improve the government's governance ability. In this paper, we try to make some innovative approaches to the theory and practice of the government's financial risk management. The research on procedures and means has yet to be further refined. In the future, this paper will further enrich the theoretical basis of the financial risk, strengthen the research on the PPP financial risk management practice, and make it more accurate and specific in the last proposed part.


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