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发布时间:2018-02-13 00:42

  本文关键词: 基本养老保险制度 马尔可夫链 精算原理 现金流 出处:《系统工程理论与实践》2017年09期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The basic old-age insurance system is the most important pillar of the Chinese old-age insurance system. Taking the basic old-age insurance system of urban enterprises as an example, the actuarial model of the income and expenditure of the basic pension insurance fund is established. Compared with the existing social security fund calculation model, this model assumes that the contributory status and retirement time are all random variables, and describes all the cash flows stipulated in the system according to the basic actuarial principles. Taking the data of basic old-age insurance for urban workers in Beijing from 2005 to 2008 as an example, the calculated results show that the prediction results of this model are in agreement with the actual situation. The model in this paper comprehensively and objectively depicts the basic old-age insurance system in China. It can be used as the standard actuarial model of the future income and expenditure of the basic pension fund.
【作者单位】: 中央财经大学中国精算研究院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(14JJD790001) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(15YJC790053) 北京市哲学社会科学重点项目(15ZDA47)~~


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