本文关键词: 医疗保险 城乡居民基本医疗保险 运行研究 张家港市 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Medical security is an important part of social security, but the current medical insurance system, which is divided between urban and rural areas, is becoming more and more unsuitable for the development of economy, which hinders the process of urban-rural integration in our country. Zhangjiagang, with its strong economic strength and constant exploration of the medical insurance system, directly renamed the new rural cooperative medical insurance system as the base of urban and rural residents in 2008. This medical insurance system. 2012, Zhangjiagang City has also made great efforts to promote the comprehensive integration of medical insurance for residents and urban workers, and has realized a comprehensive unification in terms of staffing, management systems, agencies, drug catalogs, and so on. This move, From a small point of view, it has improved the basic medical security system of urban and rural integration in Zhangjiagang, and in a large way has promoted the process of equalization of public health services in China. At present, Scholars at home and abroad tend to be consistent on the goal of urban and rural health insurance coordination, but the focus is on the necessity, feasibility, path exploration, difficulties and obstacles in the planning of urban and rural health insurance. But on the whole, there are more qualitative research, less quantitative research, more discussion and less practice. This paper makes an empirical study on the urban and rural health insurance coordination in Zhangjiagang. Taking the operation of the basic medical insurance system of urban and rural residents in Zhangjiagang as the research object, through literature, policy collation, questionnaire survey, in-depth interview, data analysis and so on, By analyzing the effect of the basic medical insurance system in Zhangjiagang as a whole, 500 residents of five villages (communities) in Jinfeng Town, Zhangjiagang City, are selected as the research objects. Thus obtaining the first-hand data of the insured residents on the basic medical insurance system of urban and rural residents as a whole in Zhangjiagang City, the degree of satisfaction, the willingness to participate in the insurance, the overall evaluation, and so on. And then explore the current system in the process of implementation of the insured residents of the financing mechanism, the level of service of medical institutions, medical insurance treatment level of satisfaction is not high, the understanding of the system is not high, and so on. Based on the above, it is pointed out that it is mandatory for urban and rural residents to participate in insurance, to determine the standard of raising funds in different levels, to increase financial input, to widen the channels of financing, and to raise the level of security moderately. Strengthen the government propaganda "depth", strengthen the construction and management of medical institutions and other aspects of countermeasures and suggestions, in the hope of urban and rural residents as a whole to improve the basic medical insurance system.
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