本文关键词: 公路货物运输保险 费率厘定 准备金评估 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:China's road freight insurance is facing increasingly severe competition, business development is at the bottleneck stage, the road freight insurance rate is not clear, and road insurance premiums are seriously lost. Some problems such as limited reinsurance capacity. As a vital insurance business in the current transportation industry, cargo transport insurance needs to be thoroughly understood by the insured. The calculation of the rate and compensation reserve also needs the insurer to master accurately. This paper, combined with the practice of Pacific property Insurance Company, makes a deep study on the calculation of the rate and reserve for road cargo insurance. First of all, the thesis systematically combs the four main service links of the road cargo transportation insurance service in the "complete service period", namely underwriting risk assessment, the responsibility of the relevant parties, Then, combined with practical examples, focusing on the calculation of road freight insurance rate, actuarial and risk monitoring problems, the paper analyzes the problems and challenges faced by road freight insurance rate. This paper gives the calculation flow and GLM model of the road freight insurance rate, adjusts the insurance rate and determines the underwriting rate scheme. At the same time, it defines the concept of the period of compensation reserve, combs the cash flow process and the development process of the indemnity case. Combined with the flow triangle, the mathematical model of calculating the compensation reserve is put forward, and the evaluation method of the uncompensated liability reserve and the premium liability reserve is given. The calculation results show that the flow triangle calculation is correct and the structure is relatively reliable. The calculation results are in line with the expectation of the transportation personnel for the corresponding insurance.
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