本文选题:南疆三地州 切入点:商业保险 出处:《新疆财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:商业保险作为金融体系的一个重要组成部分,发挥着独特的作用。它不仅拥有金融性、保障性、服务性、公共性和自然垄断性等产业特性,并且具有经济补偿、资金融通和社会管理三大功能;在社会经济发展中发挥着风险管理、完善社会保障、激励创新机制等重要作用;以及其在协调经济发展、促进经济增长等过程中扮演的重要角色,无不体现出商业保险在社会经济发展中的重要性。 近年来,随着新疆经济的快速发展,新疆保险业也呈现出强劲的增长势头,主要表现为:保费规模逐步增加,赔付总额不断攀升,行业整体实力逐步增强等。但是,新疆的保险业务多集中在经济较为发达的地区和城市,偏远的南疆三地州(和田地区、喀什地区、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州)由于受经济、地域、自然环境以及社会文化等诸多因素的影响,商业保险的发展仍较为落后,与新疆保险业发展的平均水平相差甚远。但是,发展南疆三地州商业保险具有极其重要的意义:一是促进当地经济发展的必要手段;二是参与当地社会管理的有效途径;三是完善当地社会保障体系的重要补充。所以,研究南疆三地州商业保险的发展具有其战略性与迫切性,同时也具有重要的现实意义与深远的历史意义。 本文系统地梳理了商业保险的产业特性与功能,阐述了商业保险与经济协调发展的相关理论。在此基础上,分析了南疆三地州商业保险发展的重要意义和影响该地区商业保险发展的主要因素。重点通过大量统计数据和图表描述南疆三地州商业保险发展的基本状况,总结该地区商业保险发展过程中存在的问题,并将南疆三地州与新疆部分有代表性和共性地区的商业保险发展进行比较,以期得出促进南疆三地州商业保险发展的经验与启示。最终,,从加大政府的扶持力度、加强保险机构的金融支持与引导居民理性保险消费三个方面提出加快完善南疆三地州商业保险发展的对策建议。
[Abstract]:As an important part of the financial system, commercial insurance plays a unique role. It not only has the characteristics of finance, security, service, publicity and natural monopoly, but also has economic compensation. The three functions of financing and social management play an important role in the social and economic development, such as risk management, perfecting social security, encouraging and innovating mechanism, and coordinating economic development. The important role played in the process of promoting economic growth reflects the importance of commercial insurance in the development of social economy. In recent years, with the rapid economic development of Xinjiang, the insurance industry in Xinjiang has also shown a strong growth momentum, mainly as follows: the scale of insurance premiums is gradually increasing, the total amount of compensation is constantly rising, and the overall strength of the industry is gradually increasing. Most of Xinjiang's insurance business is concentrated in economically developed areas and cities. The remote southern Xinjiang three prefectures (Hotan, Kashgar, Kezilesu Kirgiz autonomous prefectures) are affected by the economy and the region. Influenced by natural environment and social culture, the development of commercial insurance is still relatively backward, which is far from the average level of insurance development in Xinjiang. The development of commercial insurance in the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang is of great significance: first, the necessary means to promote local economic development; second, an effective way to participate in local social management; and third, an important supplement to the improvement of the local social security system. It is strategic and urgent to study the development of commercial insurance in the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang. At the same time, it has important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. This paper systematically combs the industrial characteristics and functions of commercial insurance, and expounds the relevant theories of the coordinated development of commercial insurance and economy. This paper analyzes the significance of the development of commercial insurance in the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang and the main factors influencing the development of commercial insurance in the region. The basic status of the development of commercial insurance in the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang is described with a great deal of statistical data and charts. This paper summarizes the problems existing in the development of commercial insurance in this area, and compares the development of commercial insurance between the three prefectures of southern Xinjiang and some representative and common areas of Xinjiang. With a view to obtaining the experience and inspiration of promoting the development of commercial insurance in the three states of southern Xinjiang. Finally, from increasing the support of the government, Strengthening the financial support of insurance institutions and guiding residents' rational insurance consumption three aspects proposed to speed up the improvement of the development of commercial insurance in the three states of southern Xinjiang countermeasures and suggestions.
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