本文选题:昆明市统筹城乡居民医疗保险 切入点:可持续发展 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of our economy and society, the gap between urban and rural areas is increasing. The dual medical security model of urban-rural segmentation has become one of the obstacles on the road of urban-rural integration, which violates the principle of fair medical security system. The basic medical insurance for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical scheme are managed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Health respectively. There are overlapping, overlapping, and wasting of resources among institutions; at the same time, due to the establishment of separate management agencies, The problem of repeated participation in insurance is also common, and it has further increased the pressure on health insurance and the New Rural Cooperation Fund. To solve the above problems, Kunming has integrated a "fragmented" medical security system. Gradually realizing the "integration" of the urban and rural medical security system, reflecting social equity and ensuring and improving the living standards of the people, Kunming has been implementing basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents as a whole since January 1, 2013. The system has been implemented for more than a year since its implementation. Good social benefits have been achieved, but there are still some problems. This paper applies the theory of institutional change to Kunming to coordinate the development of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. The theory of public goods and the theory of welfare economics study on how to plan the sustainable development of basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Kunming. Starting with the process of its development, this paper reviews its historical evolution, and discusses the problems existing in its development process and the factors affecting its sustainable development by means of literature research, investigation and comparative study, etc. On the basis of analyzing, drawing lessons from, summing up and summing up the experience of implementing universal medical insurance at home and abroad, this paper puts forward some reform ideas and policy suggestions on the sustainable development of basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents in Kunming on the basis of the current actual situation. In order to provide a reference for relevant departments to promote the development of urban and rural health care system in Kunming, further improve the implementation of the policy, for the overall construction of health insurance for all.
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