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发布时间:2018-03-31 21:53

  本文选题:农村养老 切入点:老龄化 出处:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:21世纪是中国工业化、城镇化全面推进的世纪。在工业化、城镇化和老龄化的多重冲击下,中国农村养老保障制度的多样化是必然的趋势。当前,中国农村养老保险制度仍处于起步阶段,农民的社会养老金水平低仍很低,商业保险尚未真正开始参与农村养老保险体系的建设,但这种现象必应改观。基于完善中国农村养老保险体系的考虑,应在政府主导推动和商业保险公司积极参与下,通过政策推动和经济激励等方式提高商业保险对农村养老保障体系的参与水平,以促进城乡的公平发展及社会养老保障体系的效率提升。 中国共产党第十八届三中全会提出了“经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用”的政策论点。现代商业养老保险制度的市场属性保证了它可以在农村养老领域充分发挥资源优化配置的作用。商业保险参与农村养老保险体系建设可以有效打破政府包揽一切养老负担的制度惯式,充分发挥市场在农村养老保险体系中的作用,提高养老保险系统的运行效率。 围绕商业养老保险参与农村养老保险体系建设这一问题,论文沿着“为什么要参与、参与什么”、“参与的机遇是什么、困境是什么”、“政府如何推动、商业保险如何参与”的逻辑顺序展开,研究了商业养老保险参与中国农村养老保险体系建设的背景、困境和方式。具体包括三个方面的内容:第一,商业养老保险参与农村养老保险体系建设的合理性与可行性;第二,农村商业养老保险市场现状、商业养老保险参与农村养老保障体系建设的机遇与困境;第三,提升商业养老保险参与中国农村养老保险体系建设水平的长期、中期和短期对策。 关于商业养老保险参与农村养老体系建设的合理性与可行性,论文基于社会学与经济学理论从四个方面进行了分析。 一方面,从公平与效率角度分析了政府、市场、个人在农村养老系统中的关系,详细探讨了在长期存在的二元经济制度中,农民相对于城镇居民长期处于养老保障待遇的不公平地位,未得到有效的养老保障待遇。出于促进社会公平发展的考虑,城镇经济应对农村养老体系进行反哺;通过精算方法,得出现行农村社会养老保险制度(城乡居保制度)的参保人的未来实际待遇水平偏低的结论;基于社会养老保险的制度现状,分析了城乡居保制度个人账户基金的精算不平衡性和不可持续性。通过上述分析,论文认为商业养老保险对农村社会养老保险的补充作用不可替代。 另一方面,分析了商业保险参与养老保险体系建设的历史与现状、商业养老险在农村发展的环境,得出结论:政府的推动是保证商业养老保险在农村发展的直接推动力,且在存进农村商业养老保险发展方面,政府公权力的作用必不可少。政府的推动包括法律法规的建立和完善、对保险公司各种优惠制度的建立等,还包括对农民的保费补贴、保险意识培养等方面。论文基于优化理论,分析了政府保费补贴(包括对商业养老保险和社会养老保险)对理性投保人终身效用提高方面的作用,以及对人们参保决策的影响;分别基于农村一部门和城乡二部门经济系统的假设,研究了政府补贴对社会稳态产出和社会公平的影响:政府补贴将减少社会储蓄,进而降低经济发展速度,但可以有效促进社会的公平。该部分内容的分析表明,商业保险参与养老保险体系建设可以促进社会公平、提高效率,政府实行激励性措施可以促进理性个人参加商业养老保险的积极性。 第三方面,分析了商业养老保险相对于社会养老保险的优势:在农村经济水平快速发展,农民购买力水平迅速提高的情况下,可以满足人们差别化的养老需求,提高人们的养老保障水平;对农村商业养老保险进行补贴,可以在推动保险市场发展进而促进经济发展的同时,进一步提高社会公平性。 第四方面,分析了商业养老保险对农村养老保险体系建设的参与方式:首先,保险企业应从发挥企业的社会责任与提高自身发展角度重视农村养老保险事业的重要意义,并在条件允可的情况下积极参与农村养老保险体系建设,参与的核心途径是提供合适的保险产品,为农民提供养老储蓄的替代工具,发挥社会养老保险的补充作用;其次是参与农村社会养老保险的经办服务,提高农村养老系统的综合效率;最后是参与养老保险基金的商业化运营,提高养老保险基金的运行效率。 关于商业养老保险参与农村养老保障体系建设的机遇与困境,论文从三个方面进行了分析。首先,中国农村保险市场供给不足,需求乏力。由于经营成本高、市场不成熟、缺少政策推动等原因,保险公司不太愿意介入农村保险市场;由于经济基础薄弱,农民保费负担水平低等原因,在缺乏政府有力推动的前提下,农民对商业养老保险需求乏力。其次,传统的养老文化和储蓄文化是商业保险参与农村养老保险体系建设的阻碍因素。中国人的家庭养老观念和养老文化根深蒂固,人们往往依靠子女或家人养老,或者通过自助方式养老。中国人具有很高的储蓄倾向,但对带有储蓄性质的商业养老保险缺乏信任,通常把钱存入银行或个人持有。最后,中国农村经济的发展和农民收入水平的提高、政府对农村民生问题的重视将提供商业养老保险参与农村养老制度建设的良好契机。 为实际分析农村养老现状和农民对商业养老保险的需求,论文对江苏苏南典型农村地区的商业养老保险发展相对潜力进行了多因素综合评价,通过问卷调查,分析了农村养老现状和商业养老保险需求现状,并对需求影响因素进行了研究。首先,基于县域视角,收集宏观数据,通过专家咨询,遵循指标体系的设计原则并考虑数据的可及性,建立农村商业养老保险发展潜力的评价指标体系,采用因子分析和聚类分析方法对苏南农村商业养老保险的发展潜力进行了评价。其次,进行整群抽样,并根据抽样所得的样本数据,对苏南典型地区农村常住成年居民的人口社会学特征进行分析,对调查对象关于商业养老保险的态度、认同感、购买意愿和缴费能力进行了研究。结果表明,苏南农民总体上对商业养老保险的认同度低、缴费能力不足。 关于提升商业养老保险参与中国农村养老保险体系建设水平的对策,论文从两个方面进行了分析。 一是研究了部分典型国家和地区多支柱养老保险体系的制度特征,对其可供借鉴的经验进行了总结。研究表明:一方面,多支柱共存并协同发展是系统性提高农村养老保障水平的必由之路,单纯依靠政府提供的现收现付制的养老保险在人口结构不断趋向于倒金字塔结构时必然不可持续;第二方面,政府对提高商业制度参与养老保障体系建设具有根本性作用。只有在政府的主导下,在政府的优惠政策推动下,商业养老计划才能得到良好发展;第三方面,政府应充分意识农民养老保障的需求特点,通过良好的制度设置和政策优惠来提高其养老保障水平;第四方面,政府应通过激励措施,鼓励富裕农民参加商业保险计划,以作为示范,从而引导和提高农民通过商业保险提高个人养老水平的意识。 二是分析了推动商业养老保险参与中国农村养老保险制度建设的对策。一方面,从长期看,应建立适应经济发展的城乡五支柱养老保障体系,在该体系中应适当强化和提升商业养老保险的地位和作用。另一方面,从中期看,应通过政府引导、市场运作的方式推动商业养老保险在农村的发展,并且,政府在商业养老保险的条款设置、费率厘定等各方面应发挥主导性作用。同时,可考虑将各种涉农补贴统一到商业化运营的养老保险统一账户,以提高人们的养老保险参与意识、提高养老保险的替代率水平。在该过程中,保险企业应当遵从保本微利的原则参与相关保险产品的经营。第三方面,从短期看,政府应通过政策优惠措施推动商业保险参与农村养老保险制度建设;保险企业应足够重视农村养老市场,针对农村市场的需求特点,加强产品创新,以满足农民多层次、多样化的保险需求。
[Abstract]:In the 21st century , China ' s rural endowment insurance system ' s diversification is inevitable trend . Under the multi - impact of industrialization , urbanization and aging , China ' s rural endowment insurance system is still in its infancy , the social pension of farmers is still low , and the commercial insurance has not really started to participate in the construction of the rural endowment insurance system .

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China put forward that " economic system reform is the focus of comprehensive deepening reform . The core issue is to deal with the relationship between the government and the market , to make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and to better play the role of the government . The market attribute of the modern commercial endowment insurance system ensures that it can play a role in optimizing the allocation of resources in the field of endowment insurance .

This paper studies the background , predicament and mode of the participation of commercial endowment insurance in the construction of rural endowment insurance system in China . The article includes three aspects : First , the current situation of the rural commercial endowment insurance market , the opportunity and the predicament of the construction of the rural endowment insurance system ; and thirdly , the long - term , medium - term and short - term countermeasures to improve the level of the construction of the rural endowment insurance system in China .

On the basis of sociology and economics theory , this paper analyzes the rationality and feasibility of the participation of commercial endowment insurance in the construction of rural pension system .

On the one hand , the relationship between the government , the market and the individual in the rural pension system is analyzed from the angle of fairness and efficiency . In the long - term existence of the dual economic system , the unequal status of the farmers with respect to the treatment of the old - age pension is discussed in detail .
Through the actuarial method , the conclusion that the future actual treatment level of the insured person of the present rural social endowment insurance system ( urban and rural residential security system ) is low ;
Based on the present situation of the social endowment insurance system , the actuarial imbalance and the non - sustainability of the individual account funds of the urban and rural residential security system are analyzed . Through the above analysis , the paper concludes that the supplementary role of the commercial endowment insurance on the rural social endowment insurance is not replaced .

On the other hand , the author analyzes the history and present situation of the participation of commercial insurance in the construction of endowment insurance system , and concludes that the government ' s promotion is the direct driving force to guarantee the development of commercial endowment insurance in rural areas .
Based on the hypothesis of the economic system of rural one and two sectors of urban and rural areas , the effects of government subsidy on social steady output and social equity are studied : government subsidy will reduce social savings and then decrease the speed of economic development , but it can promote the fairness of society . The analysis of this part shows that the participation of commercial insurance in the construction of endowment insurance system can promote social fairness and increase efficiency , and the government ' s incentive measures can promote the initiative of rational individuals to participate in commercial pension insurance .

The third part analyzes the advantages of the commercial endowment insurance relative to the social endowment insurance : in the case of the rapid development of the rural economy and the rapid increase of the purchasing power of the farmers , it is possible to meet the needs of people ' s difference and raise the level of pension insurance ;
The subsidy to the rural commercial endowment insurance can further improve the social fairness while promoting the development of the insurance market and promoting the economic development .

The fourth aspect analyzes the mode of participation of the commercial endowment insurance on the construction of the rural endowment insurance system : firstly , the insurance enterprise should pay attention to the important meaning of the rural endowment insurance enterprise from the point of play the social responsibility of the enterprise and improve the development angle of the rural endowment insurance , and actively participate in the construction of the rural endowment insurance system under the condition that the conditions permit , the core way of participation is to provide the appropriate insurance product , provide the substitute tool of the old - age savings for the farmers , and play the complementary role of the social endowment insurance ;
Secondly , it takes part in the management of rural endowment insurance and improves the comprehensive efficiency of the rural endowment insurance system .
Finally , it takes part in the commercial operation of endowment insurance fund to improve the running efficiency of endowment insurance fund .

With regard to the opportunities and difficulties of the participation of commercial endowment insurance in the construction of rural old - age security system , the paper analyzes three aspects : firstly , the supply of Chinese rural insurance market is insufficient and the demand is weak . The insurance company is unwilling to intervene in the rural insurance market because of the high operating cost , immature market and lack of policy promotion .
Because of the weak economic foundation and the low burden of farmers ' premiums , the traditional pension culture and savings culture are the obstacles to the construction of the rural endowment insurance system . Secondly , the traditional pension culture and the savings culture are the obstacles to the construction of the rural endowment insurance system . The Chinese people tend to rely on their children or their families to support the old - age insurance system . In the end , the development of Chinese rural economy and the increase of farmers ' income level , the government attaches great importance to the rural livelihood issues , which will provide a good opportunity for the participation of the commercial pension insurance in the construction of the rural old - age pension system .

In order to analyze the present situation of rural old - age pension and the demand of farmers for commercial pension insurance , this paper makes a comprehensive evaluation on the relative potential of the development of commercial pension insurance in the typical rural areas of Jiangsu Province .

With regard to the countermeasures to promote the participation of commercial endowment insurance in the construction of rural endowment insurance system in China , this paper analyzes two aspects .

The first is to study the institutional characteristics of the multi - pillar pension insurance system in some typical countries and regions , and summarize the experiences which can be used for reference . The research shows that on the one hand , multi - pillar coexistence and cooperative development are the only way to improve the level of rural old - age security .
In the second part , the government has a fundamental role in improving the participation of the commercial system in the construction of the old - age security system . Only under the leadership of the government , under the government ' s preferential policy , the commercial pension scheme can be well developed .
In the third part , the government should fully realize the characteristics of the needs of the farmers ' pension insurance , and improve the level of the pension security through good institutional setting and preferential policies .
In the fourth part , the government should encourage rich peasants to participate in commercial insurance schemes through incentives to guide and improve the awareness of farmers through commercial insurance to raise individual pension levels .

On the other hand , in the medium term , the government should promote the development of the old - age insurance system in the rural areas through government guidance and market operation . At the same time , the government should adopt the principle of government guidance and market operation to promote the development of the insurance products in rural areas . In the third aspect , the government should adopt policy preferential measures to promote the construction of the rural endowment insurance system through policy preferential measures .
The insurance enterprise should pay enough attention to the rural old - age market , aiming at the demand characteristic of the rural market and strengthening the product innovation so as to meet the multi - level and diversified insurance demand of farmers .



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