发布时间:2018-04-13 00:31
本文选题:中小财险公司 + 盈利困境 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国改革开放以来经济高速发展,人民的保险意识不断增强,我国的保险业得到了长足的发展,资产规模逐渐扩大,行业地位不断提升。截止2011年末,全国共有保险集团公司10家,保险公司130家,保险资产管理公司11家,保险己然在在金融市场上占有了举足轻重的地位。2011年末,全国共实现原保费收入14339.2亿元,其中全国财产保险公司原保费收入4779.06亿元,同比增长18.68%,占整个保险市场的总收入33%。财险行业依然保持着较好的经济效益,2011年行业实现净利润194亿元,同比增加22.01%,其中承保利润176.65亿元,同比增加92.41亿元。市场格局也正在发生变化,财产保险行业共有公司59家,其中中资财险公司38家,外资财险公司21家。从经营范围看,有专业保险公司6家,其中农险公司4家,汽车保险公司1家,责任险公司1家。从市场主体构成来看,财险市场主要以中小财险公司为主,达到了56家。 中小财产保险公司在整个财产保险市场上虽然数量占据了大多数,但是盈利状况不容乐观,从2011年底的数据来看,在194亿元的行业净利润里,作为大型财险的中国人民财产保险公司、平安财险公司和太平洋财险公司就占据了行业净利润的将近87%,达到了168亿元。并且仍有27家中小财险公司仍处于亏损状态,财险业的可持续、健康、科学发展依然令人堪忧。我国财险业的长足发展,离不开中小财险公司的重要贡献。在财险市场上,中小财险公司虽然在承保能力和技术等方面,还不能发挥主导作用,但是中小保险公司数量众多,具有较强的创新能力和行为,对于完善我国财险市场具有积极的作用。 中小保险公司也逐渐受到国家和监管部门的重视。中小企业逐渐成为现代社会、经济、政治、科技和文化最基础的单元和最具有活力的组织要素。党的十七大报告明确指出“在鼓励发展具有国际竞争力的大企业集团的同时,促进中小企业的发展是健全现代市场经济体系的基本要求”。对于中小保险公司的发展问题,监管部门一直高度关注,原保监会主席吴定富在2008年全国保险工作会议上就提出,要积极推动中小保险公司的发展,对中小保险公司的发展给予更多的鼓励与支持。为引导中小保险企业的健康、稳定和科学发展,原保监会主席助理袁力就提出了中小保险公司的“五个一”要求,即“制定一个好的战略规划,构筑一个好的资本基础,搭建一个好的创新体系,打造一个好的管理平台,建设一支好的人才队伍”。2012年新任保监会主席项俊波在全国保险监管工作会议上的讲话就指出要支持中小保险公司的资产管理体制改革。这些都为当前中小保险公司的更好的落实科学发展观指明了方向。近两年来,在财险业快速发展的同时,保监会及时出台了70号文、80号文和90号文等,下大力量规范财产保险市场秩序,打击“三假”,防范理赔风险。项俊波主席要求各公司“防范风险、调整结构”为重点,既坚持发展第一要务不动摇,又坚持发展方式不动摇。这均为中小财险公司创造一个良好的市场环境。 本文的研究对象为中小财产保险公司盈利困境及其解决对策。中小财险公司近几年发展很快,市场份额不断增加,分支结构也逐渐遍布全国,然而中小财险公司的盈利形势依然不容乐观,作为中小财险公司可持续发展的基础——盈利,成为了本文着重研究的重点。 本文使用规范分析和案例分析以及定性分析相结合的方法,在国内外学者研究现状的基础上,主要从内外两个大的维度分析中小财险公司的盈利困境。内的角度主要指的是中小财险公司自身存在的问题。中小财险公司主要存在综合成本过高、投资收益率低、产品结构单一、声誉差和公司内部治理薄弱等内在问题。外部原因本文主要分析竞争环境、监管政策和税收政策对中小财险公司盈利的影响。 文章的主要内容主要分为以下四个部分: 第一部分主要涉及前人研究综述和相关理论介绍,包括绪论和第一章。绪论主要阐述了本文的研究的背景和意义、国内外的研究现状,本文的研究的思路和方法以及可能得创新与不足。第一章主要结合前人分析的基础上界定了中小财险公司的范围、特征、经济作用,并做出具体的分类。 第二部分主要研究中小财险公司的盈利现状和盈利困境的原因,并主要分为内部原因和外部原因。内部原因通过相关财务分析和相关现象的研究,指出中小财险公司主要存在综合成本过高、投资收益率较低和部分中小财险公司偿付能力较差等问题,通过对中小财险公司产品结构的分析,指出中小财险公司产品结构单一,产品同质化严重。另外,中小财险公司还存在声誉差和公司治理薄弱等内部原因。从外部角度主要分析了竞争环境、监管制度和税收政策对中小财险公司盈利的影响,认为中小财险公司竞争环境激烈,监管政策过于严格和税收负担过重。 第三部分主要对中小财险公司的盈利模式进行探讨,指出中小财险公司盈利模式存在的问题,比如缺乏清晰的盈利模式、缺乏差异化的市场定位和缺乏创新能力,并认为中小财险公司过度依赖投资市场。并选取了最近几年在财险市场发展良好的天平汽车作为成功案例,针对其独特的盈利模式进行详细的分析。 第四部分主要针对本文第二部分分析的中小财险公司盈利困境存在的内外部原因,并也分别从内外两个角度提出本文的政策建议。从内的角度认为中小财险公司应提高经营管理效率,降低经营费用,提高投资收益率,优化产品组合,提高公司声誉和完善公司内部治理。从外在角度,首先认为监管部门应放松费率险种等的严格审批,并实施差别化的偿付能力监管,其次国家应降低财险业的税收负担,主要是降低所得税负担的建议。 本文的创新与不足之处在于: 当前研究中小保险公司的文献很多,但是多集中于其竞争力,单独研究中小财险公司盈利困境的却较少。本文的创新之处在于,文章以盈利困境为基点,全面深入分析,并以财务分析为主要方式,并从内外两个角度分析其盈利困境的原因。本文研究中小财险公司盈利困境多以数据为基础,用事实说话,尽量做到有理有据,并单独拿出一章对中小财险公司盈利模式进行详细探讨。 然而本文的研究资料主要是以各财险公司对外公开披露的年度报告和相关网站的统计数据等为依据,企业内部资料的缺少可能导致相关资料的收集不够充分,同时由于笔者学识有限,可能在某种程度上会影响本文相关问题分析的深入性和全面性。
[Abstract]:Since China ' s reform and opening - up , the economy has developed rapidly , the insurance consciousness of the people has been strengthened continuously , the insurance industry in our country has been growing steadily , the size of the assets has gradually enlarged , and the industry status has been increasing . By the end of 2011 , there were six professional insurance companies , including four insurance companies , four insurance companies , and one liability insurance company . From the view of the market main body , the financial distress market mainly consisted of small and medium - sized financial distress companies , and reached 56 .
Small and medium - sized property insurance companies occupy most of the property insurance market , but the profitability is not optimistic . From the data of the end of 2011 , Ping An Financial and Insurance Company and the Pacific Financial Insurance Company are still in the loss state , and Ping An Financial and Insurance Company and the Pacific Financial Insurance Company are still in loss . In the financial market , small and medium - sized insurance companies can not play a leading role in the areas of underwriting ability and technology . However , small and medium - sized insurance companies have a large number of small and medium - sized insurance companies , and have strong innovation ability and behavior , and have a positive role in improving our financial market .
Small and medium - sized insurance companies are increasingly valued by the state and the regulatory authorities . Small and medium - sized enterprises are gradually becoming the most basic unit of modern society , economy , politics , science and technology and culture , and the most dynamic organizational factors .
The research object of this paper is the profit dilemma of small and medium - sized property insurance companies and their solutions . Small and medium - sized financial and insurance companies have developed rapidly in recent years , the market share has increased continuously , and the branch structure is gradually spread across the country . However , the earnings situation of small and medium - sized financial distress companies is still not optimistic . As the basis for the sustainable development of small and medium - sized financial distress companies , it becomes the focus of the study .
Based on the analysis of normative analysis and case analysis and qualitative analysis , this paper mainly analyzes the problems of small and medium - sized financial distress companies based on the present situation of scholars at home and abroad .
The main contents of this article are divided into four parts :
The first part mainly deals with the summary of the previous research and the introduction of the relevant theories , including the introduction and the first chapter . The introduction mainly expounds the background and significance of the research in this paper , the research situation at home and abroad , the thinking and method of the research in this paper , and the possibility of innovation and deficiency . Chapter one defines the scope , characteristics and economic role of small and medium - sized financial distress companies on the basis of the previous analysis , and makes concrete classification .
The second part mainly studies the reasons of the profit status and the profitability predicament of small and medium - sized financial and insurance companies , and mainly divides into internal and external causes . In addition , it is pointed out that small and medium - sized financial and insurance companies mainly have the internal reasons such as high comprehensive cost , lower investment yield and poor solvency of small and medium - sized financial distress companies . In addition , small and medium - sized financial and insurance companies also have the internal causes of poor reputation and weak corporate governance .
The third part mainly discusses the profit pattern of small and medium - sized financial distress companies , points out the problems existing in the profit pattern of small and medium - sized financial distress companies , such as the lack of clear profit pattern , the lack of differentiated market positioning and the lack of innovation ability .
The fourth part mainly focuses on the internal and external reasons of the profit predicament of the small and medium - sized financial and insurance companies analyzed in the second part of the paper , and puts forward the policy suggestions from the inner and outer angles . From the perspective of the inner angle , it is believed that the small and medium - sized financial risk companies should improve the management efficiency , reduce the operating expenses , improve the investment yield , optimize the product portfolio , improve the corporate reputation and improve the internal governance of the company .
The innovation and deficiency of this paper lie in :
There are many literatures about the small and medium - sized insurance companies in the current research , but it focuses on the competitiveness of small and medium - sized financial and insurance companies . The innovation of this paper is that the paper makes a thorough analysis of the profitability of small and medium - sized financial distress companies , and analyzes the reasons of their profitability from two angles .
However , the research data is based on the annual report of each financial risk company and the statistical data of the relevant websites , and the lack of internal data of the enterprise may lead to insufficient collection of relevant information . At the same time , due to the limited knowledge of the author , it is possible to influence the indepth and comprehensiveness of the relevant problems in this paper to some extent .
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