本文选题:全面风险管理 + 寿险公司 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Firstly, through the relevant literature on the comprehensive risk management theory to sort out, think of the past scholars mainly focus on the research on the integrated framework issued by COSO, and to study its effect on enterprise value in theory, and empirical studies are lacking. At the same time, this paper analyzes the development of China's economy and the prosperity of the insurance industry makes our life insurance companies are in urgent demand for the implementation of a comprehensive risk management better. Then, the evolution of risk management theories, introduce its definition and its is the latest achievement of the theory of risk management and risk management compared with the traditional has obvious advantages. After that, this paper analysis on the risk management approach to improve enterprise value based on the theory that the comprehensive risk management can optimize the allocation of capital from the overall perspective, reduce the enterprise bankruptcy The cost and the cost of financial distress, reduce agency costs and create cost advantages for improving business performance and create value for the enterprise. Most research theoretically on the relationship between the enterprise value and the analysis of the past, one of the few empirical studies, also mostly focus on whether the effect of comprehensive risk management of enterprises value. Since the release of China's Insurance club "comprehensive risk management of personal insurance companies to implement the guidelines, the life insurance company of our country has almost all of the implementation of a comprehensive risk management, this article is from the 1. if there is a risk management department 2. is the chief risk officer 3. is evaluate the integrity of the overall risk management organizational structure three the dimensions of the risk management committee of the life insurance company, at the same time the number from the 1. kinds of risk identification 2. using quantitative methods to analyze the risk to deal with the risk of a 3. The perfection of the three dimensions of the life insurance company to implement the technical level of comprehensive risk management, the integrity and the technical level of the organizational structure of the integrity of the two indicators as the substitute variables of the overall risk management level, select the 58 life insurance companies in the insurance market of our country as a sample, using the 2010-2015 years six years the data, the empirical study on the influence degree of implementation of comprehensive risk management of life insurance company of our country enterprise value. The results showed that the integrity of the comprehensive risk management organization structure has a significant positive impact on the rate of return on total assets; improve the empirical analysis results have the same technical level of comprehensive risk management of life insurance companies in China; at the same time to study both, positive impact on the integrity of the organizational structure is still significant, improve the level of technology influence is still positive, but the influence is not obvious, may Because of the impact of improving the integrity of tissue structure on the technical level, significantly weakened its organizational structure. The comprehensive risk management more perfect company to prove its importance is also high, the professional risk management personnel are also more professional and technical level of perfection is also correspondingly better. Through empirical in this study, considered to improve the integrity and technical level of comprehensive risk management organization structure will significantly affect the rate of return on total assets of enterprises, namely the degree of implementation will significantly affect China's life insurance company's profitability, improve the integrity and technical level of its organizational structure, can enhance the ability of the company to obtain the future net cash flow, so as to increase the value of the enterprise. So, China's life insurance companies should continue to enhance the integrity and improve technical level of comprehensive risk management organization structure, emphasis and training Professional risk management talent, enhance the company's ability to deal with risk, thus improving the value of the enterprise.
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