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发布时间:2018-06-10 04:16

  本文选题:湖南林业 + 政策性森林保险 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2009年以来的集体林权制度改革,为林业的社会化发展创造了条件。森林保险作为林业社会化服务的关键举措,在中央及地方政府的高度重视下逐步推行起来。目前,中央政府将森林保险定位于政策性保险,进行财政补贴;湖南省政府制定出台了相关的规范性文件,明确了全省政策性森林保险的试点范围、实施方案、保险责任、保险理赔等具体内容。湖南林业政策性森林保险工作的顺利开展,是政府支持“三农”、发展林业的重要举措,对于保障林农的经济利益、提高林农抗风险能力、调动社会各界造林育林积极性、巩固发展集体林权制度改革成果、推进现代林业和社会主义新农村建设、实现林业产业的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。 本课题通过对湖南省十个县500户林农的实地入户调查,对林农个人及家庭的基本情况、林农家庭经济状况、集体林权制度改革的情况以及林农对林改的评价与政策需求等方面的了解,从林农的认知水平、参与情况、购买意愿、满意度评价等方面分析了湖南森林保险工作开展的实际情况及其存在的主要问题,这些问题主要反映在:(1)生产经营者收入有限,缺乏长期稳定投保的物质基础;(2)林农风险意识淡薄,缺乏自主开展森林保险的内在动力;(3)林农受教育水平低下,思想观念比较落后;(4)保险免赔起点太高,赔付金额太低;(5)承担商品林保费比重太大;(6)投保额和保费补贴过低,核定标准太过简单;(7)政府对政策性森林保险的宣传力度不够,林农接受信息有限;(8)政府对政策性森林保险提供的财政补贴有限,林农仍然负担较重;(9)政府提供的政策支持、配套设置建设有待完善;等。 通过对这些问题产生的根源分析,提出了推进湖南林业政策性森林保险工作进一步发展的对策,具体包括:(1)提高林农营林收入,提升林农自主参与森林保险的积极性;(2)强化宣传推广工作,提高林农风险防范意识;(3)加大国家对政策性森林保险的财政补贴力度,减轻林农负担;(4)提高森林保险服务质量,满足林农对保险产品的需求;(5)建立健全政策性森林保险的法律法规,提供有效保障;(6)深化林权制度改革,完善森林保险相关配套设施建设;(7)完善政策性森林保险监督体制,维护林业市场秩序稳定;等。
[Abstract]:The reform of collective forest right system since 2009 has created conditions for the socialization development of forestry. Forest insurance, as a key measure of socialized service of forestry, has been carried out step by step with the attention of central and local governments. At present, the central government has positioned forest insurance as policy insurance and carried out financial subsidies. The Hunan Provincial Government has formulated relevant normative documents to clarify the pilot scope, implementation plan, and insurance liability of the provincial policy forest insurance. Insurance claims and other specific content. The smooth development of forestry policy forest insurance in Hunan is an important measure for the government to support agriculture, rural areas and farmers and to develop forestry, which can protect the economic interests of forest farmers, improve the ability of forest farmers to resist risks, and arouse the enthusiasm of all walks of life in afforestation and forestry cultivation. We will consolidate the achievements of the reform of the collective forest tenure system and promote the construction of modern forestry and a new socialist countryside. It is of great significance to realize the sustainable development of forestry industry. Through the field investigation of 500 forest farmers in ten counties of Hunan Province, the basic situation of individual and family of forest farmers and the economic situation of forest farmers are investigated. The situation of collective forest tenure system reform and forest farmers' understanding of forest reform evaluation and policy needs, from the level of cognition, participation, purchase willingness of forest farmers, Satisfaction evaluation and other aspects have analyzed the actual situation of Hunan forest insurance work and its main problems. These problems are mainly reflected in the limited income of the producers and operators. Lack of material basis for long-term and stable insurance. 2) lack of risk awareness of forest farmers, lack of internal motivation for self-development of forest insurance. 3) low level of education of forest farmers and relatively backward ideology. 4) the starting point of deductible insurance is too high. The amount of compensation paid is too low (5) the proportion of insurance premiums borne by commodity forests is too large. 6) the insured amount and premium subsidies are too low, and the approved criteria are too simple. 7) the government does not have enough publicity for policy forest insurance. Forest farmers receive limited information. (8) the financial subsidy provided by the government to policy forest insurance is limited, and forest farmers still bear a heavy burden. (9) the policy support provided by the government and the supporting facilities and construction need to be improved; etc. Through the analysis of the root causes of these problems, The countermeasures to promote the further development of forestry policy forest insurance in Hunan are put forward, including: 1) raising forest income of forest farmers and increasing the enthusiasm of forest farmers to participate in forest insurance independently. To raise the awareness of risk prevention for forest farmers (3) to increase the state's financial subsidy to policy forest insurance, and to lighten the burden on forest farmers. 4) to improve the quality of forest insurance services. To meet the needs of forest farmers for insurance products 5) to establish and improve the laws and regulations of policy forest insurance, to provide effective protection for forest property rights reform, to perfect the related facilities for forest insurance and to improve the supervision system of policy forest insurance. To maintain the stability of forestry market order; etc.


相关期刊论文 前10条

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1 吴胜利;;论我国森林保险立法的基础与制度构建[A];生态文明与林业法治--2010全国环境资源法学研讨会(年会)论文集(上册)[C];2010年

2 肖蓓;;浅谈政策性森林保险的不足与完善[A];生态文明与林业法治--2010全国环境资源法学研讨会(年会)论文集(上册)[C];2010年

3 高岚;谭李嫔;彭珊瑚;;广东政策性森林保险探讨[A];低碳经济时代的林业技术与管理创新[C];2010年

4 秦涛;何s,




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