发布时间:2018-07-20 12:23
【摘要】:21世纪是人口老龄化的时代。2000年我国第五次人口普查资料显示,我国人口老龄化程度为10.46%,这表明我国已经正式进入了老龄化社会。我国作为一个农业大国,农村人口占全国总人口的半数多,农村人口老龄化程度高于城镇。农村人口老龄化步伐加快、土地保障功能弱化、传统家庭养老功能弱化使得我国农村居民的养老需求与供给矛盾激化。 为了更好地解决农村居民的养老问题,2009年9月,国务院颁布《关于开展新型农村社会养老保险试点的指导意见》,确定了新农保的制度框架,并提出到2020年之前基本实现对农村适龄居民的全覆盖。这标志着新农保试点工作的正式启动。 政府责任缺位是老农保失败的根本原因,虽然新农保实施中,政府责任有一定程度的归位,但在制度设计、财政支持、法律保障、监督管理方面履行职责中仍然存在一些问题,而农村居民对新农保政策仍存在观望态度,这就必须考虑新农保实施中政府与农村居民保持何种关系以及在哪些方面履行责任上进行改善。在借鉴西方发达国家相关经验及国内新农保试点区有效举措的基础上,提出在新农保推广过程中,形成政府与农村居民高度信赖的良性互动关系,促进新农保制度的顺利实施。在分析政府与农村居民信赖关系对新农保实施的导向作用的基础上,又从制度设计、财政投入、法律保障、监督管理角度,阐述了政府在新农保制度实施中应承担的具体职责。 论文在写作中理论联系实际,应用了滨州新农保调研及青岛城阳新农保调查问卷等相关数据资料。论文主要内容分为四章,第三、四章是论文的核心内容。具体章节内容为: 第一章:我国农村社会养老保险的相关概念及理论基础。主要分析了新农保中政府履行职责的二个理论基础(社会风险管理、公共产品理论)。 第二章:我国新农保形势及问题分析。分析了我国新农保实施的情况,并从制度设计、财政支持、法律保障、监督管理四方面分析了政府履行职责中存在的问题。 第三章:我国新农保的经验借鉴及政府与农村居民的信赖关系。总结了西方发达国家在农村社会养老保险制度建设中的四点借鉴经验,并以滨州新农保为例,从四方面具体分析其对完善新农保制度的启发意义。本章核心部分为新农保制度中政府与农村居民信赖关系分析,也是论文的创新之处,提出这种信赖关系对新农保实施具有导向作用,首先分析了政府信誉与农民参保预期的关系,然后用图明确了政府与农村居民的高度信赖关系,并阐述了这种关系包含的四个层面的意思,强调在新农保制度实施中,形成政府与参保农村居民的良性互动关系,最后提出基层政府要借助农村社区桥梁作用加速信赖关系的形成,这要求加强对基层经办人员的伦理教育。 第四章:我国新农保制度中政府的具体职责。首先应从制度设计方面入手,阐述了制度设计的参数依据及三个阶段目标。在财政支持方面,分析了养老保险基金及政府财政责任的分担。在法律保障方面,主要指国务院立法选择制定行政法规或法律及地方政府制定实施办法。在监督管理方面,主要从网络化政府、基金监管、信息化建设、宣传动员及农村社区角色角度进行说明。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the age of population aging . In 2000 , China ' s fifth population census data showed that China ' s population ageing is 10.46 % , which shows that China has entered the aging society . As a large agricultural country , the rural population accounts for more than half of the total population of the country , and the population of the rural population is higher than that in the towns .
In September 2009 , the State Council issued a guiding opinion on the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance pilot in order to better solve the old - age problem of rural residents . In September 2009 , the State Council promulgated the guidance opinions on the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance pilot , and put forward the basic realization of the full coverage of the rural residents by 2020 . This marks the official launch of the new agricultural insurance test point work .
The lack of government responsibility is the root cause of the failure of the old peasant ' s insurance . Although there are still some problems in the implementation of the new agricultural insurance policy , it is necessary to take into consideration the relationship between the government and the rural residents in the process of system design , financial support , legal protection and supervision and administration , and to promote the smooth implementation of the new agricultural insurance system .
The thesis is divided into four chapters , three chapters and four chapters are the core contents of the thesis .
Chapter One : The related concepts and theoretical foundation of the rural social endowment insurance in China . The two theoretical bases ( social risk management and public product theory ) of the government ' s performance of the new agricultural insurance are analyzed .
Chapter 2 : Analysis on the situation and problems of the new agricultural insurance in our country , and analyses the problems existing in the government ' s performance from the four aspects of system design , financial support , legal protection and supervision and administration .
Chapter Three : Reference and the relationship between the government and the rural residents in the construction of the rural social endowment insurance system . The core of this chapter is to analyze the relationship between the government ' s credibility and the rural residents ' trust relationship , and then use the figure to clarify the relationship between the government and the rural residents .
Chapter Four : The government ' s specific responsibilities in the new agricultural insurance system . First , the paper starts with the system design , expounds the parameter basis and three stage objectives of the system design . On the aspect of financial support , the paper analyzes the contribution of the endowment insurance fund and the government financial responsibility . In the aspect of legal protection , it mainly refers to the legislative choice of the State Council to establish administrative regulations or laws and the implementation measures of local government . In the aspect of supervision and administration , it mainly explains from the network government , fund supervision , information construction , propaganda mobilization and the role of rural community role .
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the age of population aging . In 2000 , China ' s fifth population census data showed that China ' s population ageing is 10.46 % , which shows that China has entered the aging society . As a large agricultural country , the rural population accounts for more than half of the total population of the country , and the population of the rural population is higher than that in the towns .
In September 2009 , the State Council issued a guiding opinion on the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance pilot in order to better solve the old - age problem of rural residents . In September 2009 , the State Council promulgated the guidance opinions on the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance pilot , and put forward the basic realization of the full coverage of the rural residents by 2020 . This marks the official launch of the new agricultural insurance test point work .
The lack of government responsibility is the root cause of the failure of the old peasant ' s insurance . Although there are still some problems in the implementation of the new agricultural insurance policy , it is necessary to take into consideration the relationship between the government and the rural residents in the process of system design , financial support , legal protection and supervision and administration , and to promote the smooth implementation of the new agricultural insurance system .
The thesis is divided into four chapters , three chapters and four chapters are the core contents of the thesis .
Chapter One : The related concepts and theoretical foundation of the rural social endowment insurance in China . The two theoretical bases ( social risk management and public product theory ) of the government ' s performance of the new agricultural insurance are analyzed .
Chapter 2 : Analysis on the situation and problems of the new agricultural insurance in our country , and analyses the problems existing in the government ' s performance from the four aspects of system design , financial support , legal protection and supervision and administration .
Chapter Three : Reference and the relationship between the government and the rural residents in the construction of the rural social endowment insurance system . The core of this chapter is to analyze the relationship between the government ' s credibility and the rural residents ' trust relationship , and then use the figure to clarify the relationship between the government and the rural residents .
Chapter Four : The government ' s specific responsibilities in the new agricultural insurance system . First , the paper starts with the system design , expounds the parameter basis and three stage objectives of the system design . On the aspect of financial support , the paper analyzes the contribution of the endowment insurance fund and the government financial responsibility . In the aspect of legal protection , it mainly refers to the legislative choice of the State Council to establish administrative regulations or laws and the implementation measures of local government . In the aspect of supervision and administration , it mainly explains from the network government , fund supervision , information construction , propaganda mobilization and the role of rural community role .
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