[Abstract]:In 2012, a topic of concern was the Hunan Administration of Industry and Commerce investigating the insurance industry monopoly series. Obviously, this case is not only a monopoly case officially filed and dealt with by the competent state authorities at the stage of deepening the development of the Chinese insurance market. It is also the first act of monopoly agreement in insurance industry since the promulgation of Antimonopoly Law on August 1, 2008, which will have an important impact on the further development of China's insurance market. Anti-monopoly is a new problem that needs to be solved in the deepening development of insurance market in China. Taking the above cases of monopoly agreement as an example and combining the spirit of our country's Anti-Monopoly Law, this paper sums up the conditions for determining the monopoly behavior in the insurance field, and puts forward some measures to prevent the monopoly behavior in the insurance market. In order to maintain China's insurance market, fair competition order.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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