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发布时间:2018-08-21 11:03
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of our country's economy, risk prevention and control has been paid more and more attention by the management of enterprises, and the improvement of people's living standard has brought about the change of wealth management concept and the enhancement of their own awareness of risk prevention. Under this background, as one of the effective ways of risk management system, China's insurance industry is developing rapidly, and the steady operation and efficient development of the insurance industry is related to the harmony and stability of the whole economic system and even the society. Under the trend of economic globalization, the degree of internationalization of China's insurance industry is also increasing, and several major insurance companies have been listed in Hong Kong and the United States one after another. However, the different accounting systems in different regions make the financial reports of listed companies deviate, mismatch and even conflict. The financial reports of insurance companies are complicated and difficult to understand. The differentiated accounting system greatly reduces the accuracy and practicability of financial reports. Regulators and other financial reporting users are having trouble. In 2009, the Ministry of Finance issued regulations on Accounting for Insurance contracts, which have improved the differences in the implementation of financial reports of A-H listed insurance companies. It brings about the change of accounting treatment method of insurance company and the change of insurance accounting theory, which will have an important influence on the future operation of insurance company. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the similarities and differences between China's insurance accounting standards and international financial reporting standards, and through empirical research on the impact on the operation of insurance companies. It provides some suggestions for the future operation of insurance companies and the construction of accounting system so as to contribute to the better and faster development of insurance enterprises in China. On the basis of the study of the previous discussion papers, soliciting opinions and related documents of IFRS4, this paper compares and analyzes the similarities and differences between IFRS4 and China's insurance accounting standards according to accounting theory, and analyzes the differences and similarities between IFRS4 and our country's insurance accounting standards by using the financial data of insurance companies, and analyzes the changes before and after the reform of accounting standards. Insurance companies in product, investment, financing and other aspects of change. This article will use the fictitious variable method, the empirical research IFRS4 to our country insurance company management influence, and then unifies the accounting practice to carry on the analysis to this, thus provides the constructive conclusion opinion. The main points of this paper are as follows: first, China's insurance accounting and international financial reporting standards have achieved substantial convergence, but China's insurance accounting on the basis of asset-liability method to take into account the deferred matching method, and in insurance contracts split, Major insurance risk testing methods and reserve measurement methods are still different from the provisions of the International Financial reporting Standards, and need to be further converged. Second, the international convergence of insurance accounting in China leads to insurance products, In particular, structural changes in life insurance products are conducive to the return of insurance to the essential function of risk protection. Thirdly, the international convergence of insurance accounting in China eliminates the differences in the financial statements of A-H listed insurance companies. It improves the transparency of financial reports and the quality of cross-level information, indirectly reduces the cost of information, and boosts overseas financing of insurance companies. Fourthly, the new accounting regulations release the excess reserves of insurance companies and enhance the operating performance and profitability of insurance companies. But at the same time, the ability of asset management of life insurance companies is tested. Therefore, the insurance companies should improve the efficiency of capital use and their own management level, construct an effective risk management and control system, and ensure that in the process of internationalization, To achieve steady and rapid development.


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