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发布时间:2018-08-22 15:52
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,江西财产保险业也在市场经济的带动下不断的发展和壮大。江西财产保险业目前发展呈现以下特征,保费收入快速增长,车险保费占比继续上升,市场集中程度继续提高,渠道业务蓬勃发展,市场保险主体逐渐增多,市场竞争日趋激烈。当前,太平洋产险江西分公司的市场份额在江西市场上排名第二位,但是与行业老大人保产险江西分公司的市场分额差距仍然较大。如何提高经营效益和管理质量及增加市场份额是太平洋产险江西分公司目前发展需要解决的重中之重。 经过对太平洋产险江西分公司的实地深入调查,调查内容包括:业务发展情况,汽车保险理赔流程及特点,汽车保险服务情况,防范保险欺诈机制,,公司内部管理水平,公司内部管理架构等,并通过运用SWOT分析法、案例分析法等全面分析研究公司目前发展的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,提出了公司目前在发展中遇到的各种挑战,包括承保问题、理赔问题、业务发展问题、客户服务问题、保险欺诈问题、人才队伍问题、内部管理问题等,并对以上问题提出了可行性解决对策和方案。 通过研究结论表明:我国的经济社会发展仍处于战略机遇期,保险业也将在较长时间内继续保持平稳较快增长,但要持续健康的发展,将取决于保险公司能否提高自身的经营管理水平,只有具备了科学的经营管理理念,不断推动以客户需求为导向转型发展,不断完善新产品开发,提高理赔服务质量,加强内控管理水平,才能使企业在市场和行业中具有战略竞争力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, Jiangxi property insurance industry is constantly developing and expanding under the market economy. The development of Jiangxi property insurance industry is characterized by the following characteristics: the rapid growth of premium income, the continued increase in the proportion of auto insurance premiums, the continued increase in the degree of market concentration, the vigorous development of channel business, and the gradual increase in the number of insurance agents in the market. The market is becoming increasingly competitive. At present, the market share of Pacific property Insurance Jiangxi Branch ranks second in Jiangxi market, but the gap between the market share of Jiangxi Branch and PICC Jiangxi Branch is still large. How to improve the management efficiency and management quality and increase the market share are the most important problems that need to be solved in the development of Pacific property Insurance Jiangxi Branch at present. After an in-depth investigation of the Pacific property Insurance Company in Jiangxi Province, the contents of the investigation include: the development of business, the process and characteristics of auto insurance claims, the situation of automobile insurance services, the prevention of insurance fraud mechanism, and the level of internal management of the company. Internal management structure of the company, and through the use of SWOT analysis, case analysis and other comprehensive analysis of the current development of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, put forward the company in the development of various challenges, including underwriting problems, Claim problem, business development problem, customer service problem, insurance fraud problem, talent team problem, internal management problem, etc. The results show that China's economic and social development is still in the period of strategic opportunity, and the insurance industry will continue to maintain steady and rapid growth for a long period of time, but it will continue to develop healthily. It will depend on whether the insurance company can improve its own management level. Only if it has a scientific concept of management and management, it will continuously promote the transformation and development based on customer demand, constantly improve the development of new products, and improve the quality of claim settlement service. Strengthen the level of internal control management to enable enterprises in the market and industry strategic competitiveness.


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