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发布时间:2018-08-29 14:33
【摘要】:中国是世界上自然灾害频发、巨灾损失最为严重的国家之一。随着全球气候变暖,我国各类灾害的突发性、异常性、难以预见性日显突出,灾害损失持续加重,自然灾害已经成为制约我国经济社会发展的重要因素之一。而我国保险公司对于巨灾风险往往采取限制承保的政策,企业和家庭参加保险的比例过低,保险在灾害补偿中的作用远未发挥出来。 基于以上事实,本文把巨灾风险作为研究对象,首先深入分析巨灾风险的风险特性,了解巨灾的特征和种类,探讨风险事故和地区脆弱性对于事故损失的影响。对经典的可保风险理论进行阐述,,辩证分析巨灾风险与可保风险之间的关系,找到巨灾风险可保化的理论途径,再介绍了国外在巨灾可保性方面的实践。运用层次分析法评判构建承保模式的关键因素重要性,从而对设计巨灾保险承保模式提供建设性参考。最后设计巨灾保险承保模式,对本文的研究做以验证。 积极引入保险机制参与巨灾风险的风险管理,能够完善灾害防范和救助体系,增强全社会抵御风险的能力,对于促进经济又好又快发展起到重大作用。
[Abstract]:China is one of the countries with frequent natural disasters and the most serious catastrophe losses in the world. With the global warming, all kinds of disasters in China are sudden, unusual, difficult to predict, disaster losses continue to increase, natural disasters have become one of the important factors restricting the economic and social development of our country. However, the insurance companies of our country often take the policy of limiting insurance coverage for catastrophe risk. The proportion of enterprises and households participating in insurance is too low, and the role of insurance in disaster compensation is far from being played. Based on the above facts, this paper regards catastrophe risk as the object of study. Firstly, the risk characteristics of catastrophe risk are deeply analyzed, the characteristics and types of catastrophe are understood, and the influence of risk accident and regional vulnerability on accident loss is discussed. This paper expounds the classical theory of insurable risk, dialectically analyzes the relationship between catastrophe risk and insurable risk, finds out the theoretical approach to the insurability of catastrophe risk, and introduces the practice of catastrophe insurability abroad. AHP is used to evaluate the importance of key factors in the construction of insurance model, which provides a constructive reference for the design of catastrophe insurance model. Finally, the catastrophe insurance underwriting model is designed to verify the research in this paper. Actively introducing insurance mechanism to participate in the risk management of catastrophe risk can improve the disaster prevention and rescue system, strengthen the ability of the whole society to resist risks, and play an important role in promoting the sound and rapid development of economy.


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