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发布时间:2018-08-30 16:17
【摘要】:我国处于欧亚地震带和环太平洋地震带之间,地震活动主要分布在五个地区的23条地震带上,是一个多地震的国家,而且从2007年至今我国平均每年发生5.0级以上地震近27次,平均每年地震造成约合13万间房屋遭到破坏,平均每年因地震灾害造成直接经济损失近90亿人民币,2008年的汶川地震更是导致8451亿元的直接经济损失。对于地震灾害造成巨额损失,我国所采取的补偿措施主要是政府财政救济和社会捐助,补偿方式单一低效,而且补偿的程度有限,保险机制在整个灾害损失中的补偿作用非常有限,汶川地震保险公司的损失补偿不足整个经济损失的3%,而且其中补偿的绝大部分都是企业的财产损失,民房和城镇居民住房的2300多亿元的损失几乎没有得到补偿。家庭作为社会最基本组成结构,其地震风险的承受程度非常低,而政府的补贴往往只能满足基本的生活需要,地震保险在家庭财产上缺失,使得居民的家庭财产没有了保障。因此,建立一套科学的家庭财产地震保险制度变得尤为重要。 本文基于地震风险实际危害性,通过理论的分析,认为政府主导下的,以保险公司为主体的多层次地震保险机制是公平与效率兼具的应对机制。本文选取的视角是地震风险中家庭财产损失,通过历史数据证明地震风险对家庭财产的严重危害性,而我国缺乏有效的家庭财产地震风险转移机制,主要的问题在于:家庭财产地震保险制度的空缺、技术水平的限制以及法律法规的欠缺。本文通过发达国家家庭财产地震保险制度借鉴,试图探索符合我国国情的家庭财产地震保险制度。 第0章主要是文献综述。对于地震风险的可保性理论、可负担性理论、可分散性理论以及地震保险制度的理论进行系统梳理,并简要评价。同时,将本文的研究背景和意义、研究内容和方法进行简要介绍。 第1章“家庭财产地震风险及其分散机制”。本章首先提出本文研究主体——地震风险和家庭财产,阐述地震风险定义及其特征,对家庭财产进行界定,并对其主要构成做了分析,然后根据国际国内历年地震风险的损失数据,分析地震风险对家庭财产的破坏性;最后介绍家庭财产地震风险的应对机制——风险自留、政府救济、社会捐赠以及保险机制,对四种方式的优缺点进行分析,通过比较得出政府与市场相结合的家庭财产地震保险机制是比较高效地应对方式。 第2章“构建家庭财产地震保险机制的理论基础”。本章从家庭财产地震风险的可保性、可负担性以及可分散性三个方面进行理论分析,并得出结论:融入政府的力量,适当拓宽可保险的外延,财产地震风险具有可保性;综合考虑政府、居民以及保险公司三方面的因素得出家庭财产地震保险具有可负担性;借助再保险市场、资本市场以及金融衍生品,家庭财产地震风险具有可分散性。 第3章“构建家庭财产地震保险机制的国际经验”。本章首先详细描述了新西兰、美国、日本和台湾的家庭财产地震保险制度的制度背景、运行机制、风险分散层次以及具体产品特征,并对其优缺点做简要评述。然后通过对四个国家和地区地震保险机制和产品特征的比较分析,总结国际家庭财产地震保险制度的经验。 第4章“构建中国家庭财产地震机制的发展思路”。本章首先分析我国建立家庭财产地震保险制度的必要性和可行性,然后借鉴第4章的国际经验,提出构建我国家庭财产地震保险制度的思路,从政府、保险公司和居民三方面应具备的职能入手,建立以政府为主导多方参与的家庭财产地震保险制度,以半强制附加险的形式逐渐发展为自愿主险的形式。同时,阐述了我国目前建立家庭财产地震保险制度的所存在问题,并提出相关解决策略。 本文贡献主要有以下几点:(1)利用丰富的历史数据对地震风险造成的家庭财产损失进行详细分析:(2)从可保性、可负担性和可分散性三个维度对地震风险进行全面的理论分析;(3)选取国际上典型国家和地区最新的家庭财产地震保险制度实施方案,从地震保险机制和产品设计特征两个方面进行全面地比较分析,为我国构建家庭财产地震保险制度提供借鉴经验。(4)就中国家庭财产地震保险进行分析,并提出发展策略。本文的不足在于笔者的知识面有限,只是提出构建家庭财产地震保险的大致思路,未能提出详细的家庭财产地震保险的实施方案,如差别费率的设置方式,保险证券化的构建模型等等。
[Abstract]:China is located between the Eurasian and Pacific seismic belts. Seismic activity is mainly distributed in 23 seismic belts in five regions. It is a country with many earthquakes. From 2007 to the present, China has experienced an average of nearly 27 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or more each year, with an average of 130,000 houses damaged each year, and an average of annual earthquakes. The direct economic loss caused by the disaster is nearly 9 billion RMB, and the direct economic loss caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 is 845.1 billion RMB. For the huge losses caused by the earthquake, the compensation measures adopted in our country are mainly the government financial relief and social donation. The compensation method is single and inefficient, and the degree of compensation is limited. The insurance mechanism is in the whole. The compensation effect of disaster loss is very limited. The loss compensation of Wenchuan Earthquake Insurance Company is less than 3% of the whole economic loss, and the vast majority of the compensation is the property loss of enterprises. The loss of more than 230 billion yuan of residential housing and urban dwellers'housing is hardly compensated. The degree of risk bearing is very low, and government subsidies can only meet the basic needs of life. The lack of earthquake insurance in family property makes the household property not guaranteed.
Based on the actual harmfulness of earthquake risk and through theoretical analysis, this paper holds that the government-led multi-level earthquake insurance mechanism with insurance companies as the main body is a fair and efficient response mechanism. The main problems are the vacancy of family property earthquake insurance system, the limitation of technical level and the lack of laws and regulations. The insurance system.
Chapter 0 is mainly a literature review. The theories of earthquake risk insurability, affordability, decentralization and earthquake insurance system are systematically reviewed and briefly evaluated.
Chapter 1 "Earthquake Risk of Family Property and Its Decentralization Mechanism". This chapter first puts forward the main body of this study-earthquake risk and family property, expounds the definition and characteristics of earthquake risk, defines family property, and analyzes its main components. Then, according to the loss data of earthquake risk in the past years at home and abroad, the earthquake wind is analyzed. Finally, the paper introduces the earthquake risk coping mechanism of family property - risk retention, government relief, social donation and insurance mechanism, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the four ways, and concludes that the earthquake insurance mechanism of family property combined with the government and the market is a more efficient way to cope with the earthquake risk.
Chapter 2 "Theoretical Basis of Establishing Earthquake Insurance Mechanism for Family Property". This chapter makes theoretical analysis on the insurability, affordability and decentralization of earthquake risk of family property, and draws a conclusion that the property earthquake risk is insurable by integrating the strength of the government and expanding the extensions of the insurable properly. Residents and insurance companies conclude that family property earthquake insurance is affordable; with the help of reinsurance market, capital market and financial derivatives, family property earthquake risk is dispersible.
Chapter 3 "International Experiences in Building Family Property Earthquake Insurance Mechanisms". This chapter first describes in detail the institutional background, operational mechanism, risk diversification levels and specific product characteristics of family property earthquake insurance systems in New Zealand, the United States, Japan and Taiwan, and then makes a brief comment on their advantages and disadvantages. The comparative analysis of earthquake insurance mechanism and product characteristics summarizes the experience of international family property earthquake insurance system.
Chapter 4 "Developing Thoughts on the Establishment of Earthquake Mechanism for Family Property in China". This chapter first analyzes the necessity and feasibility of establishing earthquake insurance system for family property in China, and then draws lessons from the international experience of Chapter 4, puts forward the idea of constructing earthquake insurance system for family property in China, and puts forward the duties that the government, insurance companies and residents should have. We can start with the establishment of a government-led multi-party family property earthquake insurance system, in the form of semi-mandatory additional insurance gradually developed into a form of voluntary main insurance.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) Using abundant historical data to make a detailed analysis of the loss of family property caused by earthquake risk: (2) A comprehensive theoretical analysis of earthquake risk from the three dimensions of insurability, affordability and decentralization; (3) Selecting the latest family property earthquake insurance in typical countries and regions in the world. The implementation scheme of the insurance system is comprehensively compared and analyzed from the aspects of earthquake insurance mechanism and product design characteristics, which can provide reference for the construction of the family property earthquake insurance system in China. (4) The paper analyzes the family property earthquake insurance in China and puts forward the development strategy. The general idea of building family property earthquake insurance can not put forward detailed implementation plans of family property earthquake insurance, such as the setting of differential rates, the construction model of insurance securitization, etc.


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