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发布时间:2018-09-04 12:18
【摘要】:我国保险业随着中国经济经历了30多年的高速发展而不断壮大,然而,近几年出现违规操作导致的保险公司损失也层出不穷,迫使保险企业不得不制定相应的应对策略。有效的操作风险管控措施对提升公司风险管理水平,改善公司经营业绩至关重要。因此,操作风险管理成为理论和实务界的一大热点问题。 本文以Z寿险公司S分公司为案例背景,在案例分析法的基础上结合文献综述法、专家访谈法,围绕Z寿险公司S分公司的操作风险管理展开研究。首先,对操作风险的界定、类型进行概述;其次,对操作风险管理理论进行了回顾:再次,结合Z寿险公司S分公司操作风险的实际情况分析操作风险管理的现状、不足等;最后,构建Z寿险公司S分公司操作风险管理体系并提出了实施的保障措施。 本文的主要研究结论包括:一是对Z寿险公司S分公司操作风险管理方面存在的主要问题进行分析,针对其存在的操作风险管理体系不健全、操作风险管理制度缺陷、操作风险控制执行不力等,提出了健全Z寿险公司S分公司操作风险管理体系、完善操作风险控制手段及提高操作风险控制执行力等优化建议;二是根据全面风险管理理论,结合Z寿险公司S分公司操作风险的实际情况,提出了加强信息化管理、进行损失数据库建设、建立激励约束机制及轮岗制度等具体对策;三是提出加强操作风险管理文化培育及提高管理层对操作风险意识等保障措施。 本文的研究成果对Z寿险S分公司操作风险管控体系的建立健全具有重要实践应用价值,并对国内其他保险公司也有一定的参考意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy for more than 30 years, the insurance industry of our country has been growing rapidly. However, the loss of insurance companies caused by illegal operations in recent years has also emerged in endlessly, forcing insurance companies to formulate corresponding coping strategies. Effective operational risk control measures are very important to improve the level of risk management and improve the performance of the company. Therefore, operational risk management has become a hot issue in theory and practice. In this paper, based on the case study of Z Life Insurance Company S Branch, combining the literature review method and expert interview method, the operational risk management of Z Life Insurance Company S Branch is studied. Firstly, the definition and types of operational risk are summarized; secondly, the theory of operational risk management is reviewed: thirdly, the current situation of operational risk management is analyzed in combination with the actual situation of operational risk in S branch of Z life insurance company. Finally, the operating risk management system of Z Life Insurance Company S Branch is constructed and the safeguard measures are put forward. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, the main problems in the operational risk management of Z Life Insurance Company S Branch are analyzed, aiming at the imperfection of operational risk management system and the defects of operational risk management system. The paper puts forward some optimization suggestions, such as improving the operation risk management system, perfecting the means of operation risk control and improving the execution ability of operational risk control, etc., according to the theory of comprehensive risk management, and so on. Combined with the actual situation of operational risk in S Branch of Z Life Insurance Company, this paper puts forward some concrete countermeasures, such as strengthening information management, building loss database, establishing incentive and restraint mechanism and rotation system. The third is to strengthen the culture of operational risk management and improve the management awareness of operational risk and other security measures. The research results of this paper have important practical application value to establish and perfect the operating risk management system of Z life insurance S branch, and also have certain reference significance to other domestic insurance companies.


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