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发布时间:2018-09-08 18:44
[Abstract]:Objective The purpose of this study is to understand the basic situation of the instant report of the insured peasants'cross-provincial medical treatment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and then analyze the main stakeholders involved in the process of the instant report, and explore the influence between the main stakeholders and the instant report of the insured peasants' cross-provincial medical treatment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, so as to make the cross-provincial medical treatment in Beijing-Tianjin- Research contents 1. Combine the related concepts, connotations, theories and research status at home and abroad, practical experience. 2. Analyze the policy system, information technology, business processes and settlement methods of the instant report of the insured peasants in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and summarize the main problems faced. Key issues. 3. Using stakeholder analysis method, this paper analyzes the correlation degree, willingness to implement and policy influence of the main stakeholders in the instant report of the insured peasants'cross-provincial medical treatment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 4. Discusses the influence between the main stakeholders and the instant report of the insured peasants' cross-provincial medical treatment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Data sources: (1) Literature research: Systematically combing the relevant theories and practices at home and abroad by searching and researching relevant literature materials in Chinese and foreign literature databases and government portals; (2) Field survey: through questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews, Methods: (1) Stakeholder analysis: Determine the main stakeholders involved in the work of instant medical report of the insured peasants in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and use the analysis indicators, with the help of questionnaires and in-depth interviews, to understand the main stakeholders. Characteristics of stakeholders; (2) Expert consultation method: the design of questionnaires to identify stakeholders, identify major stakeholders and determine the stage of analysis indicators consultation experts and scholars; (3) Descriptive statistical analysis: questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews and expert consultation collected in qualitative, quantitative data using commonly used statistical methods Result 1. The basic situation and policy system of the instant medical report of the insured peasants in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the overall compensation policy and the reimbursement policy in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region are different, all of which emphasize the referral system. In the aspect of business process, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has not carried out the real-time settlement test for the cross-provincial medical treatment report of the insured peasants. However, other areas have designed a "face-to-face" reporting model. The existing problems, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in the implementation of immediate reporting work is faced with the low and different levels of urban and rural residents'medical insurance, the information construction of immediate reporting is uneven and the lack of systematic planning and other major issues. 2. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region insured farmers cross-province. Stakeholder analysis of medical immediate report in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region People's and social sectors have high degree of association, high policy influence and supportive attitude; health administrative departments have low degree of association, medium policy influence and supportive attitude; medical insurance agencies have high degree of association and higher political power. Policy influence and relatively supportive attitude; local medical institutions have high degree of association, higher policy influence and neutral attitude; medical institutions in the insured areas have low degree of association, lower policy influence and neutral attitude; farmers in the insured areas have high degree of association, lower policy influence, and are the biggest beneficiaries of support attitude. Conclusion 1. People's and social departments, medical insurance agencies and local medical institutions have a high degree of correlation with the work of immediate reporting in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and have a strong policy influence. It is necessary to strengthen the willingness of the three departments (institutions) to implement the work of immediate reporting in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. For medical insurance agencies, it is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of staff and avoid the risk of medical insurance funds; for local medical institutions, it is necessary to ensure that the reimbursement fees of medical insurance are paid back within the prescribed time limit. The main stakeholders have an impact on the system planning, overall planning level and information construction of the cross-provincial medical report of the insured peasants in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, while the cross-provincial medical report of the insured peasants in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has brought about the problems of risk supervision and incentive and constraint for the main stakeholders. To coordinate the interests of the major stakeholders in the immediate report; 2. to gradually improve the overall level of the basic medical insurance system in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; 3. to speed up the construction of information technology to lay a solid foundation for the immediate report of inter-provincial medical treatment; 4. to strengthen risk control and implement effective supervision; 5. to establish an assessment mechanism and incentive and restraint mechanism; 6. to establish a holistic view and pass System planning creates a system of synergy.


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