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发布时间:2018-09-14 06:46
[Abstract]:The people's Insurance Company of China, the same age as China, was founded in Beijing in 1949. It is also the first wholly state-owned insurance company in New China. The reform and opening up has ushered in a rapid development for the insurance industry of New China for 30 years. The personal life insurance marketing system was introduced into China by AIA in 1992, which brought the development of Chinese life insurance industry into a new era and changed the pattern of insurance market in the past 40 years. Statistics show that the total premium income of our country in 2004 is 431.81 billion yuan, which is 11 times higher than that of 36.79 billion yuan in 1992, and the life insurance premium income of 322.825 billion yuan in 2004 is 22 times higher than that of 14.19 billion yuan in 1992. These figures were 1.5488 trillion yuan and 1.0157 trillion yuan in 2012. As the main sales channel of life insurance, personal life insurance marketing has created the most important insurance premium source for the insurance companies. However, when the degree of product differentiation in the industry is not large, each enterprise is faced with fierce market competition. The focus of this competition is on how to carry out marketing. In April 2011, Wu Dingfu, the former Chairman of the Insurance Regulatory Commission, put forward "Life Insurance Marketing needs a New Model". With the fierce market competition in recent years, the domestic research on life insurance marketing is more and more in-depth, and the voice of marketing innovation is more and more high, service marketing, demand-oriented and so on. This paper attempts to prove that in the current market environment, a life insurance company which adapts to market competition and achieves good operating performance is of great importance in the case of four consecutive years of high performance growth of China Life Insurance Tianjin Branch. This marketing is not a change in a particular strategy, not a simple change in target markets and sales methods, but a system. Not only for China Life Tianjin Branch itself, but also for domestic enterprises engaged in personal life insurance marketing. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the internal and external environment faced by Tianjin Branch of China Life Insurance Company by means of analytical method, and forecasts the opportunities and challenges for future development. To explain in detail the management strategy, the enterprise culture, the personnel system, the sales strategy, the honor system, the inside and outside propaganda and so on, to explain this kind of marketing method which adapts to the modern market development is the system which synthesizes the above contents.


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