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发布时间:2018-09-17 15:50
【摘要】:在信息透明公开的保险业,满足社会公众和广大投资者的保险资讯需求,这是保险公司业务和拓展之初最基本的工作之一。在当下时代,如何更好地利用网络营销吸引更多的投资者,从而使保险交易金额上涨,这将是保险公司的工作重点。我国保险市场营销发展相对缓慢,交易渠道相对狭窄,交易模式相对较少,如今随着我国保险发展起来的勃勃生机,保险交易的发展在曲折中前进,虽取得了一些成绩,但和欧美发达国家保险业相比,仍属于刚起步阶段,不可同日而语。如今要加强这方面的工作力度,就要在人力和资金方面给予足够的投入。 本文在此基础上总结出了我国保险交易存在的问题:销售团队建设、渠道铺设,人力资源发展等问题、从资讯信息发布型向营销服务型转变的路径不明、对现有客户群体锁定和进一步营销力度不够。同时在分析问题成因后,提出了的相应的解决方案,主要依靠目标市场营销战略、产品组合策略、保险费率策略、保险渠道营销策略、保险促销策略及营销组织等策略细化市场,推行营销服务,旨在依靠这些服务解除症结,加强营销力度,增强与客户的互动,铲平影响保险网上交易的这三道沟渠。 本文最后强调了保险公司的文化建设方面的注意点、与客户共赢共生的关键点及遵循保险销售的法律法规的重要性。
[Abstract]:In the insurance industry with transparent and open information, it is one of the most basic tasks for insurance companies to meet the needs of the public and investors in the insurance industry at the beginning of their business and expansion. In the current era, how to make better use of network marketing to attract more investors, and thus increase the amount of insurance transactions, this will be the focus of the work of insurance companies. The development of insurance marketing in our country is relatively slow, the trading channel is relatively narrow, and the trading mode is relatively few. Now, with the vigorous development of insurance in our country, the development of insurance transaction is advancing in twists and turns, although it has made some achievements. However, compared with the European and American developed countries, the insurance industry is still in its infancy. Today, to strengthen this work, we need to invest enough in human and financial aspects. On this basis, this paper summarizes the existing problems of insurance transactions in China: sales team building, channel laying, human resource development and so on, and the path from information release to marketing service is not clear. To the existing customer group lock and further marketing dynamics is not enough. At the same time, after analyzing the causes of the problem, the corresponding solutions are put forward, which mainly depend on the target marketing strategy, product combination strategy, insurance rate strategy, insurance channel marketing strategy. The strategies of insurance promotion and marketing organization refine the market and carry out marketing service. The purpose of this strategy is to rely on these services to remove the crux, strengthen marketing, enhance interaction with customers, and smooth out the three channels that affect the online trading of insurance. In the end, the paper emphasizes the attention point of the culture construction of the insurance company, the key point of win-win symbiosis with the customer and the importance of following the laws and regulations of the insurance sales.


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