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发布时间:2018-09-19 16:46
[Abstract]:In the world, more and more financial institutions adopt quantitative risk management based on risk measurement. This paper puts forward a new calculation method of risk liability reserve by combining VaR, an economic capital measure method, with traditional actuarial technology, and links it with the statutory liability reserve and the minimum solvency limit stipulated by the Insurance Regulatory Commission. The comparison shows that the new method is better than the traditional regulatory method, which provides a new way of risk management for insurance companies and CIRC. Firstly, the background of the problem, the current research situation at home and abroad, the concept of economic capital and the introduction of VaR method of economic capital risk measurement are introduced. Then, taking a term life insurance policy as an example, according to the actuarial regulations, the statutory reserve and minimum solvency of the policy at a specific evaluation point are calculated. The core content is to construct the risk liability reserve model of economic capital measurement VaR. First, the risk liability reserve model is established to explain the random variables and their assumptions. Then, taking the same insurance policy as an example, the Monte Carlo stochastic simulation of each random variable of the model is carried out with matlab software. Using the scenario test method, the results of the risk liability reserve obtained in some possible cases, even in extreme cases, are obtained by using the model in this paper. Finally, change the insured's age, gender, insurance term and other factors, and calculate the risk liability reserve. By comparing the expected value of risk liability reserve minus statutory liability reserve at a certain risk tolerance (e.g. 95%) with the minimum solvency level, it is concluded that, At present, the minimum solvency limit stipulated by the Insurance Regulatory Commission is too general to accurately measure the actual economic capital required by different policy holders, different insured years and even different products. Rough statistics, while facilitating regulatory scrutiny, may not be in line with the actual situation, and insurers will not be able to get the most out of their profits. If each company can establish such a model for calculating the risk liability reserve to calculate the overall economic capital of the company, it can more effectively cover the risks associated with unexpected losses. It also increases the likelihood that companies will maximize their profits.


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