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发布时间:2018-09-19 19:40
【摘要】:经营管理系统是保险公司经营管理的一项重要的基础性工具,目的是为了在公司战略与全面预算管理之间建立嫁接平台,促进各级管理部门用共同的数据语言服务指导公司的全面预算管理,以达到盈利目标、实现绩效激励。论文给出结合保险行业特点的经营管理系统的设计与实现。本文对该保险公司的经营管理系统需求进行了分析与设计,并对系统总体架构设计进行介绍。在ETL(Extract Transform Clear Load)详细设计与实现阶段,首先对ETL进行规则设置,再对ETL流程进行详细设计,采用ORACLE存储过程和JOB调度作为ETL工具,实现了源数据到目标数据库的ETL过程和任务调度。最后进行数据仓库模型设计以及功能的实现。联机分析处理工具采用IBM公司的Cognos以及前端展示开发工具采用微软Silverlight和Cognos完美结合实现商务智能应用可视化。针对保险行业规模大,分支机构多、业务复杂这些特点,该课题解决的最重要的问题,就是系统能够将各种业务系统的数据进行集中整理和汇总,使得用户能够从多种维度和多种数据综合程度来查看数据,从而做出正确的决策。同时为了实现经营管理系统公开、透明、多维、动态的建设要求,同时保证数据的安全性和预算的严谨性,本文给出了系统的权限设置管理办法。由于决策者将使用此工具对数据进行实时分析,就要考虑其易用性,设置简洁而又要功能强大。论文的研究工作将实现商业智能多维数据表与保险行业相结合,提出一套完整的设计方案。经营管理系统经过部署、测试和实际应用的检验,系统的功能和性能都均能达到要求,系统的设计、实现和应用能够满足需求,系统运行稳定。
[Abstract]:The management system is an important basic tool for the management of insurance companies. The purpose of the system is to establish a grafting platform between the company strategy and the overall budget management. Promote all levels of management to use common data language services to guide the company's overall budget management to achieve profitability goals and achieve performance incentives. This paper presents the design and implementation of the management system combined with the characteristics of insurance industry. This paper analyzes and designs the management system requirements of the insurance company, and introduces the overall architecture design of the system. In the stage of detailed design and implementation of ETL (Extract Transform Clear Load), the rules of ETL are set first, and then the process of ETL is designed in detail. ORACLE stored procedure and JOB scheduling are used as ETL tools to realize ETL process and task scheduling from source data to target database. Finally, the data warehouse model design and function implementation. The OLAP tool adopts the Cognos of IBM Company and the front-end display development tool uses Microsoft Silverlight and Cognos to realize business intelligence application visualization perfectly. In view of the large scale of insurance industry, many branches and complex business, the most important problem solved by this subject is that the system can centralize and aggregate the data of various business systems. It enables users to view data from multiple dimensions and multiple data levels to make the right decisions. At the same time, in order to realize the open, transparent, multidimensional and dynamic construction requirements of the management system, and to ensure the security of the data and the preciseness of the budget, this paper gives the management method of the authority setting of the system. Since decision makers will use this tool to analyze data in real time, it is necessary to consider its ease of use, simple and powerful settings. The research work of this paper will realize the combination of business intelligence multidimensional data table and insurance industry, and put forward a set of complete design scheme. The function and performance of the management system can meet the requirements through deployment, test and practical application. The design, implementation and application of the system can meet the requirements, and the system runs stably.


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