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发布时间:2018-10-05 16:28
【摘要】:入世为中国保险业带来机遇的同时也带来了激烈竞争。外资保险公司进入中国,高薪挖掘人才,不但增强其自身实力,还力图减弱中国保险公司的士气。同时,本土保险公司日益成长,挖掘国有保险公司的能力丝毫不逊于外资公司。另一方面,,保险业顺应了中国构建和谐社会的政策导向,发展前景广阔。中国人民保险公司(以下简称人保财险)目前的管理运作在很大程度上还受到国有企业体制的束缚,加上外部强大的拉动诱惑,员工流失问题已经成为阻碍公司发展的绊脚石。综上,保险行业机遇与挑战并存,人保财险状况喜忧参半,因此,完善管理体系,控制和降低人才流失率,对人保财险的长足发展将具有重大意义。 本文针对人保财险西安分公司的员工流失问题从行业环境和内部管理因素两个方面深入分析。行业环境主要是定性分析,内部因素采用定量分析,利用层次分析法找出影响员工流失的显著因素。分析的结果是行业环境是影响员工流失的间接因素,公司的激励机制和员工工作满意度是两个显著影响因素。 针对发现的问题,在相关理论研究的基础上,作者提出了针对缓解目前严重的员工流失状况的建议。认为改善薪酬体系,为员工提供足够的职位晋升空间,提供针对性的有益于员工自身职业发展的培训机制是改进激励机制的有效途径;提高员工的工作满意度上,作者认为规范工作岗位设计和分配工作是最基本的,之后要帮助员工建立工作角色,建立良好的人际关系,实行团队化管理等措施可以有效提高工作满意度。希望本文能够对人保财险西安分公司的员工流失问题的解决作出一些贡献。
[Abstract]:China's entry into WTO has brought opportunities and fierce competition to China's insurance industry at the same time. The entry of foreign insurance companies into China not only strengthens their own strength, but also weakens the morale of Chinese insurance companies. At the same time, the growing local insurance companies, the ability to tap state-owned insurance companies are no less than foreign companies. On the other hand, the insurance industry conforms to the policy direction of building a harmonious society in China and has a bright future. The current management operation of the people's Insurance Company of China (hereinafter referred to as PICC) is also restricted by the state-owned enterprise system to a great extent, and the external strong pull temptation, the problem of staff turnover has become a stumbling block to the development of the company. In summary, opportunities and challenges coexist in the insurance industry, and the situation of PICC is mixed. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the management system, control and reduce the rate of talent loss. This paper analyzes the problem of employee turnover in PICC Xi'an Branch from two aspects: industry environment and internal management factors. The industry environment is mainly qualitative analysis, internal factors are quantitatively analyzed, and AHP is used to find out the significant factors affecting employee turnover. The result of the analysis is that the industry environment is the indirect factor affecting the staff turnover, and the incentive mechanism and the employee job satisfaction are two significant factors. On the basis of relevant theoretical research, the author puts forward some suggestions to alleviate the serious staff turnover. It is considered that it is an effective way to improve the incentive mechanism to improve the salary system, to provide sufficient promotion space for employees, to provide targeted training mechanism beneficial to their own career development, and to improve their job satisfaction. The author thinks that it is the most basic to standardize the design and assignment of the work post, and then to help the staff to establish the work role, to establish the good interpersonal relationship, to carry out the team management and so on, can effectively improve the job satisfaction. I hope this paper can make some contributions to the solution of the staff loss problem of PICC Xi'an Branch.


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