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发布时间:2018-10-10 12:23
【摘要】:保险企业文化体现保险公司的核心价值观念,规定了员工的基本思维模式和行为准则;并通过软实力的作用方式对企业产生引导力、约束力、凝聚力、辐射力和激励力,促进保险企业的发展。由于文化是一种无形的企业战略资源,不是一朝一夕能建成的,这就要求各个保险企业在公司成立之初就要探索自己的企业文化模式。为了使研究更加形象和有针对性,选择一家具有代表性的保险公司作为研究的重点有助于探索保险企业文化的发展模式。中国平安保险(集团)公司作为我国金融保险业改革开放的领跑者,,其企业文化建设取得的成绩和存在的不足值得保险业界学习研究。 本文阐述了保险企业文化及其发展阶段,从中分析了我国保险企业文化建设面临的问题,并在这些问题的背景下阐述平安的企业文化模式及其发展阶段;着重分析了平安企业文化的特点和不足,从中反映出我国保险企业文化建设存在的问题;并基于以上分析的问题,对我国保险企业文化建设的完善提出了几点建议。
[Abstract]:The culture of insurance company embodies the core values of insurance company, prescribes the basic mode of thinking and code of conduct of employees, and exerts guiding force, binding force, cohesive force, radiation power and incentive power on the enterprise through the function of soft power. Promote the development of insurance enterprises. Because culture is a kind of invisible enterprise strategic resource, it can not be built overnight, which requires every insurance company to explore its own corporate culture model at the beginning of its establishment. In order to make the research more vivid and targeted, choosing a representative insurance company as the focus of the study will help to explore the development model of insurance corporate culture. China Ping an Insurance (Group) Company is a leader in the reform and opening up of China's financial and insurance industry. The achievements and shortcomings of its corporate culture construction are worthy of study by the insurance industry. This paper expounds the insurance enterprise culture and its development stage, and analyzes the problems faced by the construction of insurance enterprise culture in China, and under the background of these problems, expounds the safe enterprise culture model and its development stage. This paper emphatically analyzes the characteristics and shortcomings of Ping an enterprise culture, reflects the problems existing in the construction of insurance enterprise culture in China, and based on the above analysis, puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of our country's insurance enterprise culture construction.


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