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发布时间:2018-10-12 08:22
【摘要】:当前,由于国内保险行业的发展时期并不长,发展初期单纯追求市场占有率的现象较为突出,经营模式显得粗放而不精细,从而忽略了公司的综合经营指标例如利润指标、续期保费回收情况、客户满意度等指标的管控等方面,进而造成业务的质量和后期的客户维护整体下滑,种种存在的问题也让公众对人寿保险行业产生了严重的质疑。 本文以太平洋人寿保险公司云南分公司营销代理人及团队为研究对象,该公司在市场竞争中具有较强的资产流动性、较大市场规模和较高的盈利能力。但是由于其他KPI指标增长率过低,导致其总体稳定性相对较低。然而,个人业务保险部门作为公司最大的销售部门,有其自身的目标市场、特有的个人系列保险产品和特有的营销团队。通过调查,针对营销代理人现行绩效考核体系进行分析,发现目前该公司的个人业务销售渠道部门在代理人绩效考核方面最主要的问题是KPI指标设置欠科学,制定过程偏重于对财务指标的考核上、指标设定和结果使用的业绩导向性较差以及绩效考核依据的来源不充分,对绩效考核结果仅停留在物质奖励层面;再加上过于重视业务部门和人员的业绩表现,许多目标未能逐一分解或未能量化;各科室缺乏对关键指标的有效追踪等等。不仅太平洋人寿如此,国内绝大多数人寿保险公司在业务系列的绩效考核体系中存在着同样的问题。 本文主要针对该寿险公司的个人业务保险销售渠道的营销团队绩效考核体系作分析研究和重构。深入剖析问题,以解决这些问题为出发点,结合绩效考核理论和国内外寿险公司成功的绩效考核经验,从该营销团队绩效考核三项重要工作佣金、考核、架构进行分析,有针对性的对太平洋人寿云南分公司绩效考核体系进行优化设计。期待在绩效考核体系在这方面有所突破和创新。本文对中国太平洋人寿保险公司云南分公司适应保险业市场竞争并获得持续有效的发展有着积极而现实的意义。同时对寿险营销代理人及营销团队具有一定的指导性。
[Abstract]:At present, because the development period of domestic insurance industry is not long, the phenomenon of pursuing market share in the early stage of development is more prominent, and the business model appears extensive but not delicate, thus neglecting the comprehensive management index of the company, such as profit index. Renewal premium recovery, customer satisfaction and other indicators of control, resulting in the overall decline in the quality of business and later customer maintenance, a variety of problems have also made the public life insurance industry has serious doubts. This paper takes the marketing agent and team of Yunnan Branch of Pacific Life Insurance Company as the research object. The company has strong asset liquidity, larger market scale and higher profitability in the market competition. However, due to the low growth rate of other KPI indicators, its overall stability is relatively low. However, as the largest sales department of the company, the personal business insurance department has its own target market, unique personal insurance products and unique marketing team. Through the investigation and analysis of the current performance appraisal system of marketing agents, it is found that the most important problem in the agent performance appraisal of the personal sales channel department of the company is that the setting of KPI index is not scientific. The formulation process is focused on the assessment of financial indicators, the performance orientation of the setting of indicators and the use of results is poor, and the source of performance evaluation basis is inadequate, the results of performance appraisal only stay at the level of material rewards; Coupled with too much emphasis on the performance of business units and people, many objectives are not broken down or quantified; sections lack effective tracking of key indicators, and so on. Not only Pacific Life but also the vast majority of domestic life insurance companies have the same problems in the performance appraisal system of business series. This paper analyzes and reconstructs the performance appraisal system of the marketing team in the personal insurance channel of the life insurance company. In order to solve these problems as the starting point, combined with the performance appraisal theory and the successful performance appraisal experience of domestic and foreign life insurance companies, this paper analyzes the three important work commission, appraisal and structure of the performance appraisal of the marketing team. The performance appraisal system of Yunnan Branch of Pacific Life is optimized and designed. Look forward to in the performance appraisal system in this respect has a breakthrough and innovation. This paper has positive and practical significance for Yunnan Branch of China Pacific Life Insurance Company to adapt to the competition of insurance market and obtain sustainable and effective development. At the same time, life insurance marketing agents and marketing team has a certain guidance.


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