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发布时间:2018-10-12 10:53
[Abstract]:In order to ensure the rapid and stable development of our country's economy, audit institutions should give full play to their functions, which requires them to be good at forecasting, identifying and defusing economic risks, and establishing a forecast of audit risk awareness. This paper finds out the main influence factors and problems on the economic development from the complicated problems, and reports the feedback information to the relevant departments of the country in time, and puts forward the suggestions of policy audit. These are all based on audit data, but the current situation is that the extraction of audit data needs a lot of manpower, material resources, time, and some of the obtained data has a certain degree of confidentiality and heterogeneity. It can not be used well by auditors, which makes it difficult to carry out some audit services. Therefore, it is necessary to build a simulation database. The research content of this paper is mainly aimed at the pension insurance in the field of social insurance. Based on the nine table 153 fields in the national standard library of the endowment insurance industry, the paper analyzes the relationship between the fields of the pension insurance industry and the pension insurance industry tables. By processing and fitting the real data, the simulation data of 50 fields in 6 data tables are generated by Monte Carlo method, and the similarity between the simulation data and the real data is verified. At the same time, the policy made by the government will have a great impact on the individual behavior of the society, which leads to the deviation between the simulation data and the real data. Therefore, when studying the simulation data, we should also pay attention to the corresponding policy system, combine the policy simulation with the data simulation, make the simulation data adjust automatically according to the policy. Based on the analysis of social insurance contributory behavior, this paper uses the classical game model to analyze the game relationship of each participant in the contributory behavior, and puts forward a model based on evolutionary game. It also analyzes the influence of different policy parameters on individual contribution behavior and social security institutions under this model. Finally, based on this model, the generation of pension contribution base can be self-adjusted according to the changes of policy. A complete simulation database is constructed with adaptive simulation data.


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