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发布时间:2018-10-13 07:42
【摘要】:互联网技术带来了全新的营销模式——网络营销。网络营销就是利用互联网展开销售活动。这种销售模式以互联网络为载体,符合网络传播的理念和特点。中国互联网络信息中心2014年1月16日,在京发布第33次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。截至2013年12月,我国网民规模达6.18亿,互联网普及率为45.8%。我国正处在信息技术飞速发展的时代,有效利用互联网进行营销活动将有助于企业赢得市场优势。 保险网络营销渠道的利用有助于企业降低自身的运营成本,并且能够为客户提供全面优质的信息服务。良好的网络销售渠道有助于加快交易进程,促使行业整体的运行速度加快,在一定程度上使消费者的购买成本大大降低。我国网络保险起步虽然较晚,但受到保险企业普遍重视。2001年3月,太平洋保险企业北京分公司开始尝试在网上销售保险产品,平安保险、泰康保险等保险企业相继开展保险网上营销业务,并迅速发展。除保险企业直营网站外,第三方交易平台迅速崛起。 本文遵循从一般到特殊,,理论到实践的分析思路。研究循着“现状分析——问题分析——提出对策”这样一条路线进行。文章首先介绍了网络营销的相关理论,进而分析我国保险网络营销发展的三个阶段,并且以XX寿险公司为例来分析网络营销策略所面临的各类问题。在研究美国、英国等发达地区的保险网络营销的成功经验的基础上来对比我国网络营销发展情况的不足之处。经过以上详细客观的分析,在文章最后提出了针对中国发展网络保险的相应策略。本文采取预测性研究分析方法,文献分析方法,个案分析方法等研究方法。把保险营销理论作为分析基础,结合具体公司真实的网络保险的发展情况,由此总结出我国保险网络营销存在的问题并进行深入分析,提出针对性对策。问题的分析由点到面,力求在现实意义上有所创新。
[Abstract]:Internet technology has brought a new marketing model-network marketing. Network marketing is the use of the Internet to launch sales activities. This kind of sale pattern takes the Internet as the carrier, accords with the network dissemination idea and the characteristic. On January 16, 2014, the China Internet Network Information Center released the 33rd report on the status of China's Internet Development in Beijing. As of December 2013, the number of Internet users in China reached 618 million, and the Internet penetration rate was 45.8%. Our country is in the era of rapid development of information technology, effective use of the Internet for marketing activities will help enterprises to win market advantages. The use of insurance network marketing channels helps enterprises to reduce their own operating costs, and can provide customers with comprehensive and high-quality information services. A good network sales channel helps to speed up the transaction process, speed up the operation of the industry as a whole, and greatly reduce the purchase cost of consumers to a certain extent. Although China's network insurance started relatively late, it was generally valued by insurance companies. In March 2001, Pacific Insurance Company Beijing Branch began to try to sell insurance products online, Ping an Insurance. Taikang Insurance and other insurance companies have launched online insurance marketing business, and rapid development. In addition to insurance companies directly operating the site, the rapid rise of third-party trading platform. This article follows from general to special, from theory to practice. The research follows the "current situation analysis-problem analysis-put forward countermeasures" such a route. This paper first introduces the related theories of network marketing, then analyzes the three stages of the development of insurance network marketing in China, and takes XX life insurance company as an example to analyze the various problems faced by the network marketing strategy. On the basis of studying the successful experience of insurance network marketing in the developed areas such as the United States and the United Kingdom, this paper compares the shortcomings of the development of network marketing in our country. After the above detailed and objective analysis, the paper puts forward the corresponding strategies for the development of network insurance in China. This paper adopts predictive analysis method, literature analysis method, case analysis method and other research methods. Taking the theory of insurance marketing as the basis of analysis, combined with the development of the real network insurance of specific companies, this paper sums up the problems existing in the insurance network marketing of our country and makes an in-depth analysis, and puts forward some targeted countermeasures. The analysis of the problem from point to face, strive to be creative in practical significance.


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1 李振华;YG保险公司网络营销策略研究[D];山东财经大学;2015年




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