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发布时间:2018-10-13 19:00
【摘要】:新农保是一项利国利民的政策,不仅体现了党和政府重视农民、农业、农村的建设,尤其是注重改善民生,体现社会的公平和正义,更主要的是切实为农民提供了便利,为他们年老后的养老问题提供了较好的解决办法。 由公共产品理论、养老保险效率理论、农业经济理论以及相关法律法规可知,新农保制度的建设过程中,政府必须要履行各方面的职能,尤其是要积极履行好财政支持职能。政府在新农保的建设中充分发挥职能的意义有:一是有利于农村人力资源建设,二是有利于公共财政职能的履行,三是有利于实现利益对等原则,构建和谐社会。 在日本,很早就建立了具有多层次、多样的特点的社会养老保险体系,同时,法律的建立健全也为养老保险体系的顺利运行起到了非常关键的作用。通过对日本社会养老保险体系的介绍和研究,,认识到日本保险体系建设过程中的优势以及问题,总结出可供我国政府在新农保制度建设中履行职能来借鉴的经验。 为了更好的研究我国地方在新农保制度建设中职能发挥的情况,特意向湖南省农民发放了养老保险调查问卷,通过调研、收集资料、整理资料得出了与湖南新农保建设情况相关的数据。湖南省地方政府在新农保制度的建设中比较好地发挥了应有的职责,并且取得了一些成就:试点明确,方案科学,布局合理;经办机构初具规模,运转正常;财政配套基本到位,运转平稳;受惠农民反响热烈,群众满意。在关注这些成就的同时,也不可以忽略了新农保建设中存在的问题,这些问题都还是需要政府以及相关部门去着力解决。 通过对国内外养老保险情况的研究,比较并得出了推进我国政府在新农保制度建设中更好地履行职能应采取的原则和对策。总之,新农保建设工作任务重、重要性大,政府应该在新农保建设过程中引起高度的重视,并且在转变政府职能、加强农村养老保险基金的筹集和管理、财政支持方面、宣传教育方面加大工作力度,形成合力,为推进新农保制度的建设添砖加瓦。
[Abstract]:The New Rural Insurance is a policy that benefits the country and the people. It not only reflects the importance attached by the Party and the government to farmers, agriculture, rural construction, especially the improvement of people's livelihood, reflects the fairness and justice of society, but also, more importantly, effectively provides convenience to farmers. It provides a better solution to the problem of old age. From the theory of public goods, the theory of endowment insurance efficiency, the theory of agricultural economy and the relevant laws and regulations, we can see that in the process of the construction of the new rural insurance system, the government must perform all kinds of functions, especially the function of financial support. The significance of the government to give full play to its functions in the construction of new rural insurance is as follows: first, it is conducive to the construction of rural human resources; second, it is conducive to the performance of the function of public finance; third, it is conducive to the realization of the principle of reciprocity of interests and the construction of a harmonious society. In Japan, the social old-age insurance system with multi-level and diverse characteristics was established very early. At the same time, the establishment and perfection of the law also played a very important role in the smooth operation of the pension insurance system. Based on the introduction and study of Japanese social endowment insurance system, this paper recognizes the advantages and problems in the construction of Japanese social endowment insurance system, and sums up the experience that can be used for reference by our government in performing its functions in the construction of new rural insurance system. In order to better study the functions of local governments in the construction of the new rural insurance system in China, a questionnaire on old-age insurance was specially distributed to farmers in Hunan Province, and through investigation and research, information was collected. Collates the data to obtain with Hunan new agriculture safeguard construction situation related data. The local government in Hunan Province has played its due role in the construction of the new rural security system and has made some achievements: the pilot is clear, the plan is scientific, the layout is reasonable, the agency is beginning to take shape, and the operation is normal. Financial support is basically in place, smooth operation; beneficiary farmers respond enthusiastically, the masses are satisfied. While paying attention to these achievements, we should not ignore the problems existing in the construction of new rural insurance, which still need to be solved by the government and relevant departments. Through the research on the situation of endowment insurance at home and abroad, this paper compares and draws the principles and countermeasures that should be taken to promote our government to perform its functions better in the construction of new rural insurance system. In short, the task of new rural insurance construction is heavy and the importance is great. The government should attach great importance to the construction of new rural insurance, and it should change the functions of the government, strengthen the collection and management of rural pension insurance funds, and finance support. Publicity and education to strengthen the efforts to form a joint effort to promote the construction of the new rural insurance system.


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