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发布时间:2018-10-15 10:17
【摘要】:伴随着城镇化进程的加快,社会中出现了一类边缘化群体——失地农民,并且随着城镇化率的逐渐增加而日益庞大。失地农民失去土地后,无固定的收入来源,面临着生活及养老无保障的困境,并且与城中村失地农民相比,位于城郊的失地农民面临着更为艰难的处境,处在“边缘化”的他们尤其容易成为社会不稳定的因素之一。因此,研究城郊失地农民的社会养老保险问题,不仅能够更好的缓解社会矛盾,推进城镇化的进程,还能完善社会养老保险的内容,为统筹城乡社会保险提供重要的依据。 本文首先对国内外关于失地农民养老保险问题的研究现状进行梳理,提出了与本文相关的理论基础,为研究提供理论依据。在了解丽江市失地农民养老保障的历史沿革前提下,掌握现行失地农民养老保险制度的内容和具体运行情况,并以丽江市城郊有代表性的村落为调查研究对象,结合问卷调查法和访谈法,得出城郊失地农民的生活和社会养老现状。随后,从制度内容、失地农民自身局限和政府责任的缺失三个方面分析城郊失地农民社会养老保险问题的原因,用数据论证说明具体的问题。最后,借鉴国内失地农民社会养老保险制度内容,针对丽江市城郊失地农民社会养老保险现状,根据问题形成的原因,提出解决城郊失地农民社会养老保险问题的建议,即完善现行失地农民养老保险制度、强化政府责任和帮助失地农民克服自身局限的途径。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization, a class of marginalized groups, landless farmers, have appeared in the society, and with the increase of urbanization rate, it has become increasingly huge. After losing their land, the landless peasants have no fixed source of income, and face the dilemma of living and providing for the aged, and compared with the land-lost peasants in the villages in the city, the land-lost peasants in the suburbs are facing a more difficult situation. They are particularly vulnerable to social instability. Therefore, the study on the social endowment insurance of the peasants who lost land in the suburbs can not only better alleviate the social contradictions, promote the process of urbanization, but also improve the content of social endowment insurance, and provide an important basis for the overall planning of urban and rural social insurance. In this paper, first of all, the status quo of the research on land-lost farmers' endowment insurance is reviewed, and the theoretical basis related to this paper is put forward, which provides the theoretical basis for the research. On the premise of understanding the historical evolution of the old-age security system of landless farmers in Lijiang City, the contents and specific operation of the current old-age insurance system for landless peasants are grasped, and the representative villages in the suburbs of Lijiang City are taken as the research objects. Combined with questionnaire survey and interview method, the living and social endowment status of rural landless farmers in suburban areas were obtained. Then, the paper analyzes the reasons of the social endowment insurance of the peasants in the suburbs from the system content, the limitation of the land-lost farmers themselves and the lack of government responsibility, and explains the specific problems with the data demonstration. Finally, referring to the content of the social endowment insurance system of the land-lost peasants in China, according to the present situation of the social old-age insurance for the land-lost peasants in the suburbs of Lijiang City, according to the causes of the problems, the paper puts forward some suggestions to solve the problem of the social old-age insurance of the land-lost peasants in the suburbs. That is, to perfect the current endowment insurance system of land-lost farmers, to strengthen government responsibility and to help land-lost farmers overcome their own limitations.


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