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发布时间:2018-10-16 15:31
【摘要】:建立多层次的社会保障体系,解决社会成员的养老问题是市场经济的深化发展的前提。养老矛盾的进一步凸显也不断推进养老体系的改革,商业保险参与养老保险是现阶段保险市场发展的重点之一,商业保险同基本养老保险相互补充发展是解决我国当前养老矛盾的重要选择。尽管在构建养老体系的过程中,商业保险都在一定程度上有参与,但是现阶段商业保险只是初步参与,商业保险的优势没有在养老体系中充分发挥出来,商业保险和养老保险也没有实现两者的良性互动,我国很多地区更是处于严重的不协调阶段,严重的影响整个社会养老体制的向前推进和经济的稳定发展。本文通过相应的指标进行测量分析得知,我国商业保险参与养老保险的程度比较低。与发达国家相对成熟的养老体系相比较,我国养老体系还有很多需要完善的地方。商业保险参与养老保险的发展需要在新形势下改进和发展,以期实现协调发展。 全文共分为七部分:第一部分是研究背景及意义,重点分析了当前我国养老矛盾产生的原因和解决的必要性。第二部分在界定了商业保险参与养老保险内涵同时具体分析了商业保险同社会养老保险的区别和联系,并从制度的外部性视角切入,结合弹性理论、平等与效率交替理论、帕累托改进理论以及金融深化理论多角度分析论证了商业保险参与养老保险理论可能性。第三部分从保险市场中的政府、保险公司、社会成员三个角度出发,对商业保险参与养老保险的可行性和必要性进行分析论证。第四部分以我国商业保险参与养老保险的过程为基点,深入分析了商业保险参与养老保险的发展历程和现状,并具体描述了商业保险参与农村养老保险和参与城镇养老保险的现状,并集中总结了商业保险参与养老保险的基本模式、路径选择以及后续的效果分析。第五部分作为本文的重点章节,通过耦合度模型及协调度模型测量了现阶段我国各地区商业保险参与养老保险的程度,并对全国各个省份测量结果进行深入的分析,为后文政策建议部分提供了更有力的支撑。第六部分主要介绍了发达国家相对成熟的养老体系,重点分析美国、德国的养老体系运行模式,并总结相关的经验启示。第七部分主要针对我国商业保险参与养老保险过程中存在的问题提出具体的对策措施,包括政府政策方面的引导推进,商业保险主体的深化发展、服务更新,相关经验借鉴、学习,最终实现商业保险有效参与养老保险。
[Abstract]:It is the premise of the deepening development of market economy to set up a multi-level social security system and solve the pension problem of social members. The contradiction between the aged and the aged has been further highlighted and the reform of the pension system has been continuously promoted. The participation of commercial insurance in the endowment insurance is one of the key points in the development of the insurance market at this stage. The complementary development of commercial insurance and basic endowment insurance is an important choice to solve the current pension contradiction in China. Although commercial insurance has participated to a certain extent in the process of building a pension system, at this stage commercial insurance is only a preliminary participant, and the advantages of commercial insurance have not been brought into full play in the pension system. Commercial insurance and old-age insurance have not realized the benign interaction between the two, and many areas of our country are at a serious stage of disharmony, which seriously affects the advancement of the whole social pension system and the stable development of the economy. This article through the corresponding index carries on the measurement analysis to know, our country commercial insurance participates in the old-age insurance the degree to be low. Compared with the relatively mature pension system in developed countries, China's pension system still needs to be improved. Commercial insurance participation in the development of endowment insurance needs to be improved and developed under the new situation in order to achieve coordinated development. The paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is the background and significance of the study, focusing on the analysis of the causes of the current pension contradictions and the necessity of solving them. The second part defines the connotation of commercial insurance participation in endowment insurance and analyzes the difference and relation between commercial insurance and social endowment insurance, and from the external perspective of the system, combined with elasticity theory, equality and efficiency alternate theory. Pareto's improvement theory and financial deepening theory are analyzed from various angles to demonstrate the possibility of commercial insurance participating in endowment insurance theory. The third part analyzes the feasibility and necessity of commercial insurance participation in endowment insurance from the three angles of government, insurance company and social members in the insurance market. The fourth part, based on the process of commercial insurance participating in endowment insurance in China, deeply analyzes the development course and present situation of commercial insurance participating in endowment insurance. The paper also describes the current situation of commercial insurance participation in rural old-age insurance and urban old-age insurance, and summarizes the basic mode of commercial insurance participation in old-age insurance, path selection and subsequent effect analysis. The fifth part as the key chapter of this paper, through the coupling degree model and coordination degree model to measure the degree of commercial insurance participation in pension insurance in various regions of China at this stage, and in-depth analysis of the measurement results of each province in the country. For the following part of the policy recommendations to provide more effective support. The sixth part mainly introduces the relatively mature pension system in developed countries, focusing on the analysis of the mode of operation of the pension system in the United States and Germany, and summarizes the relevant experience and inspiration. In the seventh part, the author puts forward specific countermeasures and measures to solve the problems in the process of commercial insurance participation in endowment insurance, including the guidance and promotion of government policies, the deepening development of commercial insurance subjects, the renewal of services, and the relevant experience. Learn, finally realize commercial insurance to participate in endowment insurance effectively.


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