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发布时间:2018-10-17 17:10
【摘要】:中国是一个人口的大国,正在处于社会、经济、环境的全面调整转型阶段,相较于其他国家,我国将承受更为巨大的养老压力。并且,作为农业大国的中国来说,我们发现农村的养老问题更加严峻,农村的老龄化程度比城市老龄化更加严重,如何解决好中国农村的养老问题将直接影响到中国的未来发展。但是,伴随着我国农村集体经济的消失,传统以家庭养老、土地养老为主的农村养老保障体系面临着供给不足的危机,严重阻碍了农村养老保险制度的发展。只有实现农村养老保险基金的保值增值,才能保证基金的可持续性支付能力,而实现农保基金保值增值必须以有效的投资运营为前提。 目前,我国农村养老保险基金的投资渠道较为单一,投资标准低,投资结构不合理,长远看来必然影响我国农村养老保险制度的发展和长期给付能力,影响我国三农政策及和谐社会的构建,因此,研究和构建农村养老保险基金多元化的投资机制是十分必要的。 本文正是基于这一背景而展开深入的研究,将本文分为五个部分。第一部分主要介绍本文的研究背景及意义,研究思路和方法以及本文力图实现的创新。第二部分为农村养老保险制度及保险基金相关理论,解释了“新农保”、农村养老保险基金投资的相关概念和特点、我国农村养老保险基金投资运行模式的基本原则和农村养老保险基金投资运行的理论依据。第三部分从我国农村养老保险基金投资机制的三个方面进行了剖析,分析了农村养老保险基金的多元化投资的必要性。第四部分主要介绍了德国、新加坡、智利三个国家农村养老保险基金投资机制的发展及主要特点,,通过国外农村养老保险基金投资的比较与经验借鉴,阐述了农村养老保险基金投资机制的国际经验对中国的启示。文章的第五部分为了推出适合我国基本国情的多元化的农村养老保险基金投资模式,从四个角度提出了加强我国农村养老保险基金多元化投资的不同策略。
[Abstract]:China is a large country with a large population, which is in the stage of social, economic and environmental comprehensive adjustment and transformation. Compared with other countries, China will bear a greater pressure on the aged. Moreover, as a large agricultural country, China has found that the problem of providing for the aged in rural areas is more serious, and that the degree of aging in rural areas is more serious than that in urban areas. How to solve the pension problem in rural China will directly affect the future development of China. However, with the disappearance of rural collective economy in our country, the traditional rural old-age security system, which is based on family pension and land old-age support, is facing the crisis of insufficient supply, which seriously hinders the development of rural old-age insurance system. Only by realizing the maintenance and increment of rural endowment insurance funds can the sustainability of the fund be guaranteed, and the premise of effective investment and operation must be the premise of maintaining and increasing the value of rural endowment insurance funds. At present, the investment channel of the rural endowment insurance fund in our country is relatively single, the investment standard is low, and the investment structure is unreasonable. In the long run, it will inevitably affect the development of the rural old-age insurance system in our country and its ability to pay for the long term. Therefore, it is necessary to study and construct the diversified investment mechanism of rural pension insurance fund. Based on this background, this paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly introduces the research background and significance, the research ideas and methods, as well as the innovation of this paper. The second part is the rural old-age insurance system and the insurance fund related theory, explained "the new rural insurance", the rural endowment insurance fund investment related concept and the characteristic, The basic principles of the investment operation mode of the rural endowment insurance fund and the theoretical basis of the investment operation of the rural endowment insurance fund in China. The third part analyzes the three aspects of the investment mechanism of the rural endowment insurance fund in China, and analyzes the necessity of diversified investment of the rural pension insurance fund. The fourth part mainly introduces the development and main characteristics of rural pension fund investment mechanism in three countries, Germany, Singapore and Chile, and draws lessons from the comparison and experience of foreign rural pension fund investment. This paper expounds the inspiration to China from the international experience of the investment mechanism of rural endowment insurance fund. In the fifth part of the article, in order to put forward the diversified investment mode of rural pension insurance fund suitable for the basic national conditions of our country, we put forward different strategies to strengthen the diversified investment of rural endowment insurance fund in our country from four angles.


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